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Cindy Scarr

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Mishpacha Survey Says…   9 Sep
Cindy Scarr humorously highlights the overwhelming frequency of customer feedback surveys in her daily life, illustrating the absurdity of constant requests ...
9 Sep
Mishpacha Mussolini’s Mediterranean Menace 3 Sep
The article "Mussolini's Mediterranean Menace" details the Axis powers' two-year campaign to target Mandatory Palestine during World War II, starting in 1940...
3 Sep
Mishpacha Connecting through Difficulty 3 Sep
In the Family First article "Connecting through Difficulty," Abby Delouya discusses the impact of personal growth and significant life challenges on marriage...
3 Sep
Mishpacha The Things I Didn’t Say Today      3 Sep
This article from Mishpacha Magazine reflects on the importance of words not spoken, emphasizing the impact of restraint and awareness in communication. The ...
3 Sep
Mishpacha Don’t Think You Haven’t Grown 3 Sep
In this article, Rabbi Boruch Leff advocates for a more positive and accurate understanding of teshuvah, emphasizing personal spiritual growth over the tradi...
3 Sep
Mishpacha Of Hoping, Hurting, Healing  3 Sep
The article "Of Hoping, Hurting, Healing" presents a raw and personal account of the author's journey through recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Despite outward...
3 Sep
Mishpacha Joy Can Be Found in It  3 Sep
In her article, Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner reflects on the joy and beauty found in the world despite its inherent challenges. She discusses the Jewish perspectiv...
3 Sep
Mishpacha Parshas Shoftim: Small Steps for Man 3 Sep
The article "Parshas Shoftim: Small Steps for Man" explores the symbolism of the mizbeiach (altar of many stones) versus the matzeivah (monument of a single ...
3 Sep
Mishpacha This Is My Place 3 Sep
"This Is My Place" reflects on the unique and transformative environment of yeshivot, particularly highlighting the personal journeys of students within thes...
3 Sep
Mishpacha The Magic of “Yes” 3 Sep
This article from Mishpacha Magazine highlights the transformative power of the word "yes" in various aspects of life. It emphasizes using "yes" in parenting...
3 Sep