In the aftermath of the tragic events of October 7, new relationships formed between Shelly Shem-Tov, a secular Jewish mother, and Margalit Peretz from the c...
Cindy Scarr's article captures the vibrancy and historical significance of the ancient Jewish mitzvah of Hakhel. Set in Chevron, it follows a mother, Tzofia,...
One year after the tragic Hamas attack on Israel's Gaza border kibbutzim, author Cindy Scarr explores the profound and complex aftermath of this event, quest...
In the aftermath of a tragedy on October 7, the Young Israel of Woodmere, led by Rabbi Shay Schachter, fostered profound connections with a moshav in Israel....
In memory of Mordy Greeness, a small group of his friends established a shtiebel that has blossomed into a vibrant community center dedicated to Torah and no...
Gershon, a hopeful investor, anxiously heads to a sheriff's sale to bid on a property in Newark, despite heavy traffic and nervousness about the outcome. His...
Cindy Scarr's story, "Out of Focus: Chapter 1," captures a relatable moment in the life of a Jewish mother grappling with the daily challenges of managing AD...
Hadassa Swerds delves into the intriguing world of personal chefs, offering insights into the lives and passions of these culinary professionals. With the up...
Cindy Scarr reflects on the bittersweet end of the Tishrei holiday season, focusing on the exhaustion and chaos of managing holiday activities and family dyn...
Many experience heightened stress during the Yom Tov season due to the additional expenses, responsibilities, and changes to routine. This stress can lead to...