Cindy Scarr explores the challenges and emotional barriers people face during the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. S...
Issue 914 of Family First Inbox addresses various health-related topics from the lens of personal experiences and professional insight. One contributor regre...
Cindy Scarr's article explores the emotional and spiritual journey of a woman undergoing fertility treatments during Yom Kippur, highlighting the tension bet...
Childhood obesity is a multifaceted issue impacting nearly 20% of children and adolescents. A comprehensive approach involving balanced nutrition, physical a...
Eileh Ezkerah, the poignant piyut recited during Yom Kippur prayers in Ashkenazi communities, commemorates the martyrdom of ten revered Tannaim, known as the...
Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald, a prominent educator and head of the Meohr seminary, has written a guidebook to aid baalei teshuvah in integrating into the insular...
Cindy Scarr reflects on the nuances of modern communication, specifically the challenges and implications of texting versus phone calls. Through a personal a...
Rivi, a character from "Lie of the Land," enters her office anticipating termination from her job at Faber & Granada law firm. Despite expecting to be fired,...
A personal narrative explores the emotional journey of a woman who navigated financial disappointment and the struggle for justice after a failed reimburseme...
In Cindy Scarr's poignant narrative "Tzofar," she juxtaposes the mundanity and milestones of daily life in New York—such as learning to ride a bike and chatt...