Deborah Danan

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JTA Tens of thousands crowd Tel Aviv park for first Nova concert since Oct. 7 massacre 28 Jun
Tens of thousands gathered at a healing concert in Tel Aviv's HaYarkon Park, marking the first event by the Tribe of Nova since a tragic incident where Hamas...
28 Jun
JTA What Benjamin Netanyahu and I heard in the mourners’ tent after my son’s aide was killed in Gaza 25 Jun
After the death of Saadia Dery, a soldier in the reserves and aide to the author's son who was killed in Gaza, there was a gathering at the Dery home in the ...
25 Jun
JTA In Jerusalem, a unique hotel offers respite for women who have experienced stillbirth 25 Jun
In Jerusalem, there is a unique hotel that offers support for women and couples dealing with stillbirth and perinatal loss. Operated by Yad Sarah, the hotel ...
25 Jun
JTA Video of Israelis trashing Gaza aid leads to clashes between rival activists 21 May
Right-wing Israeli activists were caught on video trashing aid intended for Gaza, causing controversy and division within their own ranks. While Tzav 9, a gr...
21 May
JTA ‘I just can’t do it this year’: Amid war and infighting, Israelis hit pause on Independence Day festivities 14 May
Israeli Independence Day celebrations this year were marked by a somber mood due to the aftermath of a devastating Hamas attack and the ongoing war in Gaza. ...
14 May
JTA At March of the Living on Yom HaShoah, Holocaust survivors and relatives of Oct. 7 victims stress urgency of remembrance 6 May
During the March of the Living on Yom HaShoah, Holocaust survivors and relatives of Oct. 7 Hamas attack victims highlighted the importance of remembrance. Pa...
6 May
Forward For hostage families and their supporters this Passover, celebrating the Festival of Freedom feels impossible 20 Apr
Families of Israeli hostages in Gaza, facing a somber Passover, are struggling to celebrate the holiday of freedom while their loved ones remain captive, wit...
20 Apr
JTA For many Israelis this Passover, celebrating the Festival of Freedom feels impossible 19 Apr
Many Israeli families, including those who have loved ones held hostage, are finding it difficult to celebrate Passover this year due to feelings of sadness ...
19 Apr
JTA For many Israelis this Passover, celebrating the Festival of Freedom feels impossible 19 Apr
This article discusses how many Israeli families, including those with loved ones held hostage by Hamas, are finding it difficult to celebrate Passover this ...
19 Apr
Forward ‘I want to get married before a rocket lands on my head’: War has amped up Israel’s passion for matchmaking 7 Feb
Amid the recent conflict in Israel, a matchmaking trend has emerged, with many people seeking romantic connections and the desire to create families and Jewi...
7 Feb