As Israel enters a new Jewish year, thousands of evacuees face an uncertain future due to ongoing missile threats from Lebanon, primarily impacting residents...
In a heartfelt gathering in Jerusalem, 180 survivors of the Nova music festival massacre, orchestrated by Kesher Yehudi, came together for a Shabbaton aimed ...
In Hostages Square, a poignant Selichot ceremony led by Kaley Halperin and organized by Rabba Anat Sharbat sought to bring together Israelis of all backgroun...
The Hakhel synagogue community in Jerusalem mourns the tragic death of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, a victim of Hamas violence in Gaza. Gathering nearly a year afte...
The Jerusalem synagogue of the egalitarian Hakhel congregation became a poignant setting for mourning after Hersh Goldberg-Polin's murder by Hamas terrorists...
Israelis are facing the challenge of maintaining normalcy while living in a constant state of danger and anxiety due to threats and conflicts. Daily life in ...
In Majdal Shams, a Druze town in Israel, families mourn the tragic loss of children killed in a rocket attack, with one mother grieving the death of her son....
Israeli families, particularly those from the Chabad Hasidic movement, have succeeded in gaining approval from the Ministry of Defense to include the traditi...
Israeli soldiers in Gaza have come across various Jewish ritual objects, like a challah board, menorah, and Seder plate, left behind in homes during military...
Tens of thousands gathered at a healing concert in Tel Aviv's HaYarkon Park, marking the first event by the Tribe of Nova since a tragic incident where Hamas...