The contentious dissolution of a volunteer police chaplain program in Montclair, New Jersey, highlights how deeply polarized sentiments surrounding the Israe...
Rashid Khalidi, a prominent Palestinian historian, engaged in a dialogue with a gathering of mainly Orthodox Jews on the Upper West Side, challenging them to...
Noa Fay, a 23-year-old graduate from Columbia's Barnard College, has become a prominent figure in the fight against campus antisemitism and in defense of Isr...
Josh Katz, a resident of Montclair, New Jersey, has found a unique way to feel connected to the Gaza hostages through an everyday ritual: coffee. Every day a...
The article examines the violent antisemitic attacks on Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam, drawing parallels and distinctions with the 1930s pogroms in Europe...
Jodi Rudoren reflects on the fading tradition of newspaper political endorsements in light of recent decisions by the owners of major outlets like The Washin...
Jodi Rudoren explores the cultural nuances of the term "mensch" and the sartorial choice of wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the word. At a Jewish conferenc...
In the midst of Sukkot, Israel's announcement of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar's assassination poses significant challenges for the nation's leadership. Jodi Rud...
Jodi Rudoren reflects on the complexities of Jewish identity and responsibility in the year following the October 7th attacks. As the anniversary approaches,...
Israeli hip-hop artist Shaanan Streett reflects on his time as a soldier in Gaza in 1991, when a seemingly peaceful day during the First Intifada saw Palesti...