Jodi Rudoren

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Forward I spent months praying for a single Israeli hostage. Yesterday, I found out he's dead. 27 Mar
The author reflects on the emotional journey of praying for an Israeli hostage, Uriel Baruch, only to find out he was killed rather than kidnapped, adding a ...
27 Mar
Forward Why I made cookies for Purim despite — actually, because of — the war 22 Mar
In response to the ongoing conflict and hostage situation involving 134 captives abducted by Hamas, Jodi Rudoren reflects on participating in a social-media ...
22 Mar
Forward When hate comes to your hometown 15 Mar
In Montclair, New Jersey, a diverse community with a history of inclusivity, tensions arise as protesters chant "We don't want no Zionists here," prompting c...
15 Mar
Forward Etgar Keret is writing again — and teaching an AI chatbot to do it better 8 Mar
Etgar Keret, a renowned Israeli writer, resumed writing after a period of writer's block following a traumatic event on Oct. 7. He views writing as a form of...
8 Mar
Forward Barnard's draconian dorm-door policy threatens our democracy 1 Mar
Barnard College's recent policy banning dormitory door decorations has sparked controversy, with critics arguing it suppresses free speech and diminishes the...
1 Mar
Forward The Hebrew word we need right now doesn't seem to exist 23 Feb
The author discusses the concept of "kneytsh," which is Yiddish for nuance, highlighting its importance in understanding complex issues like the Israel-Gaza ...
23 Feb
Forward Telling Israel's war story, one voice at a time 16 Feb
Mishy Harman, creator of the podcast Israel Story, launched a pop-up series called Wartime Diaries to capture personal experiences during Israel's recent con...
16 Feb
Forward The loveliest place in Gaza is gone 9 Feb
Jawdat Khoudary, a construction mogul in Gaza, had created a beautiful 100,000-square-foot garden filled with native and imported plants. His garden, as well...
9 Feb
Forward What's really behind the sanctions on Israeli settlers and UNRWA 2 Feb
The recent actions by the Biden administration to suspend funding for UNRWA, the Palestinian refugee agency, and impose sanctions on violent Israeli settlers...
2 Feb
Forward Why a Trump-Biden rematch is bad for the Jews 26 Jan
An article by Jodi Rudoren discusses why a potential rematch between Trump and Biden in the 2024 presidential election is bad for Jews and other minority gro...
26 Jan