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Liel Leibovitz

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Tablet Do You Remember 2005? 9 Jun 2023
The article discusses an interview from 2005 between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. Kennedy discussed his belief that a mercury com...
9 Jun 2023
Tablet America’s Most Israeli Politician 8 Jun 2023
This article discusses the confrontational exchange between Senator Ted Cruz and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas during a Senate...
8 Jun 2023
Tablet Zionism’s Moment of Decision 19 Apr 2023
The current protests in Israel go beyond political disagreements and have become a battle over the future of Zionism and the identity of the Jewish state. Th...
19 Apr 2023
Tablet The Meaning of Life 11 Apr 2023
The article discusses Rabbi Ari Berman's book, "The Final Exam," which addresses the challenge of teaching young Jews about both Torah and universal values. ...
11 Apr 2023
Tablet Aliens 3 Apr 2023
The author expresses his frustration with American Jewish institutions that fail to provide an engaging and meaningful community. He shares his experiences o...
3 Apr 2023
Tablet Israel’s Tech Resistance Took Their Money, and Put It Where? 14 Mar 2023
The article discusses the role of the High Tech Workers Resistance, known as Mechaat HaHitechistim, in opposition to the Israeli government's proposed judici...
14 Mar 2023
Tablet Israeli Minister: American Intervention in Israeli Politics ‘Crossing a Line’ 10 Mar 2023
Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs, Amichai Chikli, criticized the Biden administration for intervening in Israeli politics and undermining Israel's sovere...
10 Mar 2023
Tablet Protest Porn 9 Mar 2023
The author reflects on their past article expressing fear and loathing towards the president-elect in 2016, realizing that it lacked useful analysis and was ...
9 Mar 2023
Tablet ‘You People’ Is a Warning, You People 8 Feb 2023
"You People" is a new Netflix movie about a young Jewish man who falls in love with a young Black woman, leading to tensions between their families. The film...
8 Feb 2023
Tablet Ben-Gvir, the Beast Parade, and a Blessing in Synagogue 8 Nov 2022
Amir Ohana, an openly gay Israeli Knesset member, shares a personal experience of attending synagogue with his partner and child. He explains how they unexpe...
8 Nov 2022