Bernard-Henri Lévy's film, "Glory to the Heroes," is the third installment in his trilogy covering the war in Ukraine. The film portrays ordinary people in e...
In this article, the author argues that despite the current challenges faced by America, the country is going to be fine and even better than before. They ac...
The article discusses the phenomenon of #MrFAFO, a Gaza-based social media influencer who creates fake videos to generate sympathy for Palestine and anti-Isr...
The author shares their personal experience of feeling overwhelmed by recent tragic events related to Israel and anti-Semitism. They suggest that the Talmud,...
The author discusses recent incidents of violence and unrest, highlighting the need for self-protection in an increasingly chaotic world. The article argues ...
In this discussion moderated by Liel Leibovitz, a panel of analysts from Tablet Magazine's Middle East team examines the recent devastating attacks in Israel...
The eyewitness account describes the horrifying attack on the Supernova music festival in Israel. The attack began with loud explosions, followed by terroris...
The article criticizes the United States for betraying Israel and contributing to the current conflict with Hamas. It argues that the US has pursued a foreig...
This article discusses the prevalence of hatred towards religious Jews and the unfair portrayal of Haredi Jews in the media. It highlights a recent incident ...
The author argues that New York City is no longer a desirable place to live due to crime, high cost of living, and a deteriorating quality of life. They sugg...