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Liel Leibovitz

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Tablet Seven Jews Who Should Win the Nobel Prize in Literature This Week (But Probably Won’t) 2 Oct 2017
The text discusses the anticipation surrounding the announcement of the Nobel Prize in Literature, highlighting several Jewish authors who are considered des...
2 Oct 2017
Tablet Remembering Leonard Cohen’s Yom Kippur War Tour of Duty 29 Sep 2017
During the 1973 Yom Kippur War, a group of Israeli entertainers, including Oshik Levy and Ilana Rovina, planned a tour to uplift soldiers at the front lines ...
29 Sep 2017
Tablet Israeli Kibbutz to Become Worldwide Medical Marijuana Hub 19 Sep 2017
Gan Shmuel, an established Israeli kibbutz, will transform into a global hub for medical marijuana production and distribution through a partnership with Can...
19 Sep 2017
Tablet The Real Reason Why Being Jewish is Expensive, and What to Do About It 14 Sep 2017
The author discusses the high costs associated with being Jewish, including expenses for synagogue membership, day school tuition, and kosher food. Drawing p...
14 Sep 2017
Tablet The Elul Challenge: To Prepare for the High Holidays, Can You Spend an Hour a Day Without Your Phone? 11 Aug 2017
As the month of Elul approaches, the author reflects on the power of repentance and the role of prayer in the Jewish tradition. They recall a moment from the...
11 Aug 2017
Tablet Jewish Summer Camp Flies Palestinian Flag, Teaches Kids Bad Lesson in Politics 31 Jul 2017
Camp Solomon Schechter, a prominent Jewish summer camp, recently caused controversy by hosting Palestinian children and flying the Palestinian flag alongside...
31 Jul 2017
Tablet Farewell George Romero, the I.B. Singer of the Zombie Movie 21 Jul 2017
George Romero, known for his zombie movies, is likened to I.B. Singer for delving into the darker aspects of humanity. Both artists reject collective beliefs...
21 Jul 2017
Tablet In a Masterful New Book, an Author Looks to Holocaust Memorials for Clues to His Family’s Fate 13 Jul 2017
"Hell's Traces" by Victor Ripp delves into Holocaust memorials as clues to his family's fate during WWII, navigating the challenge of confronting indescribab...
13 Jul 2017
Tablet What to Do About Trump? The Same Thing My Grandfather Did in 1930s Vienna. 14 Nov 2016
The author reflects on their grandfather's experience fleeing Vienna in the 1930s and draws three principles to apply to the current political climate under ...
14 Nov 2016
Tablet Is Israel’s Biggest Military Hero a Fake? And Does It Matter? 4 Nov 2016
A spirited debate has ignited in Israel over the authenticity of the legendary military hero known as Team Tzvika. The story, involving a young captain named...
4 Nov 2016