In this insightful interpretation of the Torah portion, the narrative of the Israelites demanding meat in the desert and Moses appointing elders to assist hi...
"Preacher," a TV show created by Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, and Sam Catlin, based on a popular comic book series, combines outrageous fun with deep theologic...
The article critiques Professor Leila Ahmed's Harvard course, "Islam, Gender, Sexualities and Empire," suggesting it may not adequately address human rights ...
The wedding of Sarah Tehiya Litman and Ariel Beigel became a symbol of resilience and unity in the face of tragedy and terrorism. Despite losing her father a...
"Safekeeping" by Jessamyn Hope is a novel that intricately weaves together personal narratives with historical and political dimensions against the backdrop ...
"Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem" portrays the struggle of a woman trying to obtain a Jewish divorce document (get) from her husband in Israel’s rabbinic ...
The article discusses the recent surge of violence in Israel, questioning if it marks the beginning of a third Intifada, potentially orchestrated by Palestin...
The author criticizes the corruption and incompetence present in soccer, drawing parallels between the sport and politics. They highlight instances of match-...
The article discusses Hollywood's approach to religious-themed movies, noting upcoming releases like "Noah," "Son of God," and "Exodus." It questions why Hol...
"Man Is Not Alone" by Abraham Joshua Heschel, published in 1951, presents faith as a profound connection akin to the intimacy between lovers, where one repla...