Maggie Phillips

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Tablet The Orthodox Church’s Northern Exposure 20 May
The Orthodox Church's presence in Alaska, with its mixture of Greek, English, and Slavonic languages, celebrates the Orthodox Christian feast of Pascha in a ...
20 May
Tablet A Rock Star Ideas Festival in Brooklyn 25 Apr
Winston Marshall, co-founder of Mumford & Sons, transitioned from music to organizing a thought symposium, Dissident Dialogues, aiming to foster a community ...
25 Apr
Tablet A Salon for ‘Nones’ 11 Apr
In San Francisco's Hayes Valley, a modern-day salon called The Commons is reimagining intellectual and spiritual gatherings, attracting young professionals s...
11 Apr
Tablet The Deep Roots of Nowruz 18 Mar
Nowruz, the Persian New Year celebrated by over 300 million people worldwide, including Iranian Americans, begins at the vernal equinox with rituals such as ...
18 Mar
Tablet Finding the ‘Real Africa’ 12 Feb
Princeton University's PEMM project is cataloging ancient Ethiopian Orthodox Christian stories and art related to the Virgin Mary, with the goal of better un...
12 Feb
Tablet The People Behind ‘The Chosen’ 6 Feb
The Chosen, a TV show about the life of Jesus, has become a surprise hit in the U.S., even attracting Jewish fans. Showrunner Dallas Jenkins is aware of the ...
6 Feb
Tablet Meet the Siegels, a Family Struggling Under the Curse of Wokeness 29 Jan
"The Curse" is a satirical TV series that explores themes of wokeness, privilege, and environmentalism. The show follows Asher and Whitney Siegel, a wealthy ...
29 Jan
Tablet The Debates Over—and Within—‘Classical Education’ 25 Jan
The popularity of classical education has been growing, particularly among religious conservatives, but there is no universally accepted definition of what i...
25 Jan
Tablet A Plant-Based Quandary 12 Dec 2023
PLNT Burger is a restaurant that offers plant-based alternatives to classic American dishes, and it is 100% kosher and halal. The founders aim to make food a...
12 Dec 2023
Tablet Service With Spirit 22 Nov 2023
Native Americans serve in the active-duty military at higher rates than other minority groups in the United States, despite accounting for only 1.1% of the t...
22 Nov 2023