"The Curse" is a satirical TV series that explores themes of wokeness, privilege, and environmentalism. The show follows Asher and Whitney Siegel, a wealthy ...
The popularity of classical education has been growing, particularly among religious conservatives, but there is no universally accepted definition of what i...
PLNT Burger is a restaurant that offers plant-based alternatives to classic American dishes, and it is 100% kosher and halal. The founders aim to make food a...
Native Americans serve in the active-duty military at higher rates than other minority groups in the United States, despite accounting for only 1.1% of the t...
Diyaanka Jhaveri, a 26-year-old Jain teacher in Chicago, credits the Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur (SRMD) for her commitment to the Jain religion. SRM...
Chabad of Raleigh, North Carolina, organized a Shabbat dinner for Israel that also served as a fundraiser for a restaurant in Tel Aviv owned by a member of t...
The author reflects on their experience as a non-Jewish person amid the recent attacks by Hamas and discusses the importance of allyship during this time. Th...
The Orthodox Church is facing a new challenge to its authority from online influencers within its own ranks. These influencers, often young and male, engage ...
A multifaith group of parents, including Muslim, Catholic, and Ukrainian Orthodox parents, is suing the Montgomery County Board of Education in Maryland, arg...
The media docuseries "The Secrets of Hillsong" focuses on the downfall of the celebrity pastor and the scandals within the Hillsong megachurch in New York Ci...