Olivier Roy's book, "The Crisis of Culture: Identity Politics and the Empire of Norms," explores the pervasive issue of cultural appropriation and how global...
A 12-year-old Jewish girl in Courbevoie, France, was brutally attacked and raped by boys of the same age who discovered her true identity after she had been ...
Raphal Glucksmann, a Jewish intellectual and leader of Frances Socialist Party, has made significant strides in his political career, now polling at 15% in t...
The CRIF (Conseil Représentatif des Institutions Juives de France) is a longstanding Jewish organization in France with roots dating back to anti-Nazi resist...
The author, a French Jew, reflects on the recent rise of anti-Semitism and acts of violence against Jews around the world. They recount instances of anti-Sem...
In a recent article, French Israeli politician Meyer Habib and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed concern over the riots in France, associat...
A new book by historian Carlo Vecce suggests that Leonardo da Vinci's mother, Caterina, was a Circassian Jew who was abducted as a teenager and sold as a sex...
This text explores the background and influence of journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones, particularly in relation to her work on The 1619 Project. It discusses Han...
This text discusses the experiences of parents who have seen their children convert to radical Islam in France. These parents, mostly white with no Muslim ba...
This text discusses the case of Sarah Halimi, a Jewish woman who was murdered by a neighbor, Kobili Traor, in 2017. Traor, who had a history of criminal beha...