Descendants of Holocaust survivors, part of a community called Generations Forward, are proactively engaging with their family trauma and sharing their stori...
This article discusses the controversy surrounding the phrase "L'Shana Tova" as a greeting for Rosh Hashanah. The author explains that the grammatically corr...
In this article, the author describes how they stumbled upon thousands of Holocaust-era letters while researching a column called "Seeking Relatives" in the ...
Isaac Metzker, a legendary editor at the Forward, is credited with overseeing the Seeking Relatives column, which helped thousands of Jewish refugees and Hol...
After the death penalty was sentenced for Robert Bowers, the man who murdered 11 worshippers at Pittsburgh's Tree of Life synagogue, six Jewish scholars disc...
This article describes the writer's experience learning about Georgian cooking from a man named Davit Varduashvili, whom they met at church in Tbilisi, Georg...
David Brodsky, an associate professor of Judaic Studies at Brooklyn College, City University of New York (CUNY), writes in response to a flyer accusing him a...
The author recounts a Supreme Court ruling that allowed a web designer to refuse making wedding websites for same-sex couples, which is followed by a kosher ...
On May 14, 1948, Israel declared independence and the United States recognized the new country. Newspapers around the world covered the event, with themes em...
In a letter to the editor, David Schoen criticizes an article that discusses Herschel Siegel's suicide. Schoen argues that the article exploits Herschel's de...