Merri Ukraincik

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Jewish Action The Blessings of Zoom School 3 Dec 2023
Amidst the fear and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing conflict in Israel, a group of American and Israeli children have found solace and conne...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Navigating Widowhood in the Frum Community 5 Mar 2023
This text emphasizes the unique challenges faced by widows and widowers in the Jewish community. The experience of widowhood is deeply personal and varies de...
5 Mar 2023
Jewish Action Going Crypto: The Future Of Philanthropy Arrives At The OU 20 May 2022
The Orthodox Union (OU) has embraced cryptocurrency donations through a partnership with Crypto for Charity, becoming one of many organizations in the US to ...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Newly Dedicated Nach Yomi Enters Second Cycle 1 Mar 2022
The OU Womens Initiative (WI) celebrated the culmination of its first two-year Nach Yomi cycle, with community events and siyumim in the US and Israel. The p...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Shtadlanim: Irving Bunim (1901-1980) 11 Nov 2021
Irving Bunim was a highly influential figure in advancing the cause of Orthodox Jewry in America. Born in Volozhin, he immigrated to New York with his family...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Stacey Goldman 18 Aug 2021
Stacey Goldman, a Jewish educator and philanthropist, has been inspired to bring her teaching online and reach a wider audience after recording her first shi...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Keeping It Kosher in the Age of Corona 9 Jun 2021
This article discusses how OU Kosher, the largest kosher certification agency in the world, had to adapt its operations during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensur...
9 Jun 2021
Jewish Action Sora and Jerry Wolasky 9 Jun 2021
Sora and Jerry Wolasky have been deeply involved in the NCSY (National Conference of Synagogue Youth) for decades, starting as young volunteers in Norfolk, V...
9 Jun 2021
Jewish Action Eve Gordon-Ramek 18 Feb 2021
Eve Gordon-Ramek, a Jewish woman from California, grew up in an active Jewish household and was encouraged by her father to maintain Jewish traditions and no...
18 Feb 2021
Jewish Action Finding a Zivug on Zoom 24 Nov 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the frum dating world to shift online, with Zoom dating becoming the new norm. Matchmakers and relationship experts have ada...
24 Nov 2020