Merri Ukraincik

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Jewish Action Rabbi Tzvi Ortner: The Solution Finder 16 Mar 2020
Rabbi Tzvi Ortner, known as a solution-finder at OU Kosher, leads the effort to make modern smart kitchens Shabbat and yomtov-friendly. His work led to the d...
16 Mar 2020
Lehrhaus The G-d of Our Faces 27 Sep 2018
The author reflects on her childhood experiences during Simchat Torah, where she felt a connection to God, perceiving His presence as she looked into the aro...
27 Sep 2018
Tablet Hiding Out on Purim 22 Mar 2016
The author reminisces about dressing up as Queen Esther on Purim as a child, finding comfort and a sense of hiding in the costume. The white lace gown made b...
22 Mar 2016