Natan Slifkin

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Rationalist Judaism One People, Two Judaisms 23 Jun
The text discusses the dichotomy between two forms of Torah Judaism throughout Jewish history, highlighting the shift from a Judaism for a sovereign nation t...
23 Jun
Rationalist Judaism Dog Food and Disaster 20 Jun
The article discusses a story of a young man in captivity in Moldova after being caught trying to smuggle narcotics disguised as dog food in a desperate atte...
20 Jun
Rationalist Judaism A Difficult Kindness 19 Jun
The text discusses the idea that the charedi community is becoming dependent on donations from philanthropists in the US, particularly for their yeshivos and...
19 Jun
Rationalist Judaism The "Antisemitic" Cartoon 16 Jun
The controversy surrounding an "Antisemitic" cartoon in Mekor Rishon depicts a charedi yeshiva student atop a wounded soldier, highlighting the exemption of ...
16 Jun
Rationalist Judaism America and Israel 14 Jun
The text discusses the author's experiences as a Jewish individual in both America and Israel, highlighting encounters with different attitudes towards Judai...
14 Jun
Rationalist Judaism Two Different Torahs 11 Jun
The author reflects on recent events in Israeli society, including proposed changes to exemption laws for ultra-Orthodox individuals and a disturbing suicide...
11 Jun
Rationalist Judaism "The IDF Doesn't Want Charedim" 7 Jun
The text discusses a report indicating that the IDF has rejected many Charedi enlistment requests due to various reasons, posing challenges in integrating Ch...
7 Jun
Rationalist Judaism Effective Tzedaka 6 Jun
The text discusses ways to support Israel during wartime, highlighting alternative organizations for tzedaka due to new information. It mentions the importan...
6 Jun
Rationalist Judaism Hamas, Haredim, and Hayalim 4 Jun
Rav Dov Landau, a prominent figure in the Ashkenazi Charedi Lithuanian community, called for special prayers due to the challenges faced by the Jewish people...
4 Jun
Rationalist Judaism Charedism on Trial 3 Jun
In Israel, a High Court hearing addressing the issue of charedi (ultra-Orthodox) avoidance of army service and funding for yeshivas took place, revealing the...
3 Jun