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Natan Slifkin

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Rationalist Judaism Yemen Day 16 Sep
Natan Slifkin shares an unusual experience where a hypersonic missile from Yemen was intercepted near his location just as he was writing about Yemen's histo...
16 Sep
Rationalist Judaism Gedolim and Slogans 15 Sep
Natan Slifkin critiques certain Charedi Gedolim for their misuse of traditional phrases to support pre-determined positions on theological and practical issu...
15 Sep
Rationalist Judaism Daas Torah and Army 11 Sep
Natan Slifkin explores the complex issue of army service in Israel and the divergent views of Torah scholars, particularly contrasting the charedi community'...
11 Sep
Rationalist Judaism Dinos and Rhinos 10 Sep
Natan Slifkin explores the intersection of halacha and zoology concerning the use of animal horns for shofars, sparked by the humorous confusion between dino...
10 Sep
Rationalist Judaism The Amazing Ahmed's Error 8 Sep
Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib, despite his harrowing experiences and losses due to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, stands out as a unique advocate for peace and mut...
8 Sep
Rationalist Judaism Torah on a Large Scale 6 Sep
The article "Torah on a Large Scale" explores the different approaches of the charedi and dati-leumi communities in Israel towards applying Torah principles ...
6 Sep
Rationalist Judaism Joy Amidst Pain 4 Sep
The article presents a poignant narrative set against the backdrop of the ongoing pain in Israel due to hostilities, focusing on a visit to an unconventional...
4 Sep
Rationalist Judaism Pain and Division 2 Sep
The article "Pain and Division" discusses the intense political and social discord in Israel following the murder of six hostages. It explores the complexiti...
2 Sep
Rationalist Judaism And What About American Jews? 1 Sep
The article discusses the role of American Jews in supporting Israel, especially regarding army service. While the author believes it's unrealistic to expect...
1 Sep
Rationalist Judaism Kosher Food to Die For? 29 Aug
This article explores the kosher status of the lionfish, an invasive and venomous species recently introduced into the Mediterranean. Despite possessing veno...
29 Aug