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Natan Slifkin

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Rationalist Judaism How Many Yeshiva Students Are Needed? 26 Mar
Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv suggested that in ancient times, one person studying Torah was considered enough spiritual protection for a soldier, while today ...
26 Mar
Rationalist Judaism My IDF Plan, The Netziv 25 Mar
The text discusses the controversy surrounding charedim not serving in the IDF, highlighting the perspectives of those both in favor and against this exempti...
25 Mar
Rationalist Judaism Happy Indigenous Purim! 24 Mar
The text briefly mentions the celebration of Purim while highlighting Rationalist Judaism as a reader-supported publication. It encourages readers to subscri...
24 Mar
Rationalist Judaism A Nation of Superheroes 22 Mar
The text discusses the popularity of the song "Giburei Al" (Superheroes) in Israel and highlights its significance in understanding Israeli identity. It refe...
22 Mar
Rationalist Judaism Half a Yeshiva Student plus Half a Soldier equals Zero Achdus 21 Mar
The debate arises from a viral video showing children dressed as both yeshiva students and soldiers, sparking controversy over the message it conveys. While ...
21 Mar
Rationalist Judaism It's not Beautiful, it's Offensive 20 Mar
The text highlights a situation where a Charedi individual received a video from their employer depicting unity, but found it offensive due to the contrast b...
20 Mar
Rationalist Judaism Where to Direct your Charity 19 Mar
During Purim season, there is a special mitzvah to help the poor (matanot levyonim). While American non-charedi yeshivot focus on assisting organizations lik...
19 Mar
Rationalist Judaism The Craziest War Comment 17 Mar
The discussion highlights instances of controversial comments and perspectives surrounding the Israel-Gaza conflict. It touches on a Sky News interview quest...
17 Mar
Rationalist Judaism The Exodus Disgrace Called Out 14 Mar
The article addresses the controversy sparked by Sefardic Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef's statement that chareidim should leave Israel rather than join the IDF,...
14 Mar
Rationalist Judaism A Charedi Exodus? 11 Mar
Amidst the debate over the charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community's exemption from military service in Israel, Sefardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef suggested that ...
11 Mar