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Natan Slifkin

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Rationalist Judaism Is There A Different Genocide Facing Israel? 10 Mar
The article discusses the hyperbolic claims made by some members of the charedi community in Beit Shemesh about a potential "genocide" if a non-charedi candi...
10 Mar
Rationalist Judaism Israel and "Settler Colonialism" 7 Mar
The discussion delves into the accusation of Israel being a settler-colonial regime, often leveled in academic and global contexts. It refutes this claim by ...
7 Mar
Rationalist Judaism The Ultimate Wedding Experience 5 Mar
Celebrating the Ultimate Wedding Experience, the text describes a unique event where ten IDF combat soldier weddings were synchronized and held simultaneousl...
5 Mar
Rationalist Judaism Funny & Serious 2 Mar
The writer shares a mix of humorous and serious anecdotes, including a nerve-wracking experience at JFK Immigration, meeting Ben Shapiro, and giving a shiur ...
2 Mar
Rationalist Judaism Making an Impact 29 Feb
The 2023 Impact Report for the Biblical Museum of Natural History has been released, showcasing stories of individuals impacted, visitor statistics, upcoming...
29 Feb
Rationalist Judaism Goodbye God, It's Elections 28 Feb
The article discusses the contradiction within the Charedi community in Israel regarding their beliefs in divine providence and the importance of taking prac...
28 Feb
Rationalist Judaism Deception and Deflection 22 Feb
The Israeli society is facing a crisis in manpower for the IDF, exacerbated by the reluctance of the charedi community to share the burden of military servic...
22 Feb
Rationalist Judaism A Surprise IDF Discovery 19 Feb
An IDF commander stationed near Gaza found a book, "Man & Beast: Our Relationship with Animals in Jewish Law and Thought," written by the parent of another I...
19 Feb
Rationalist Judaism Justifying Israel 13 Feb
This recommendation suggests reading material to better understand and justify the existence of Israel. The first suggestion is an article by the late Ruth G...
13 Feb
Rationalist Judaism When Helping is Harming 11 Feb
The author reflects on the concept of helping others and its potential harm. They reference a situation in the Torah where it is a mitzvah to help someone st...
11 Feb