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Natan Slifkin

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Rationalist Judaism The Yeshiva King 14 Jan
This article examines a common prooftext used to argue that full-time Torah learning in yeshivas justifies exempting charedi (ultra-Orthodox) students from m...
14 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Eviscerating Torah 11 Jan
The text discusses the issue of military service in the Israeli charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community and the moral and Torah-based arguments surrounding it. Th...
11 Jan
Rationalist Judaism The Animals of Different Cultures 9 Jan
The Biblical Museum of Natural History emphasizes that every culture has animals that are significant in its heritage. These animals are often represented in...
9 Jan
Rationalist Judaism The Letter of the Mothers 7 Jan
The Letter of the Mothers is a public letter written by Dr. Tehila Elitzur, a Torah teacher at Herzog College, addressed to the mothers of ultra-Orthodox yes...
7 Jan
Rationalist Judaism More Important Than Learning Torah 4 Jan
The article discusses the question of whether studying Torah takes precedence over other important obligations in Judaism. The author quotes Rav Aharon Licht...
4 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Book News 2 Jan
The Hebrew edition of the first volume of The Torah Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom has been released and can be purchased at the museum or on the museum ...
2 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Two Different Universes 31 Dec 2023
This article discusses a Facebook exchange between individuals representing the charedi and dati-leumi (Zionist-religious) perspectives on Torah and avodas H...
31 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism Tzaddik or Mazzik? 26 Dec 2023
Rabbi Shai Graucher, known for his close association with Rav Chaim Kanievsky and his works on his teachings, has garnered praise for his tremendous acts of ...
26 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism A Bris Amidst the War 24 Dec 2023
This article describes the author's experience attending a bris (circumcision ceremony) amidst the ongoing war in Israel. The new father, Avi Kahn, is an Ame...
24 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism Who is Providing Zechusim for Whom? 19 Dec 2023
The author discusses the concept of providing zechusim, or spiritual merits, for soldiers during war. They argue that there is no traditional mechanism in Ju...
19 Dec 2023