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Natan Slifkin

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Rationalist Judaism The Growing Divide 8 Feb
This article discusses the growing divide between the charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community and the rest of Israel. While Israel has been facing losses and sacr...
8 Feb
Rationalist Judaism Guest Post: “My Sons’ Lives and Learning” 5 Feb
The author discusses her experience as a parent in Israel, where she and her husband had to choose a specific religious community for their children to be a ...
5 Feb
Rationalist Judaism Let THEM say no 3 Feb
The author discusses the perception that Palestinians want peace while Jews are against their political independence. They argue that this perception is fals...
3 Feb
Rationalist Judaism A Daas Torah Surprise 1 Feb
In this article, the author explores the concept of seeking advice from a Gadol HaDor, the ultimate rabbinic authority in Judaism, versus consulting other pr...
1 Feb
Rationalist Judaism A Dangerous Fantasy 30 Jan
The author discusses a recent event held in Jerusalem advocating for the resettlement of Gaza, attended by right-wing Religious Zionist supporters and govern...
30 Jan
Rationalist Judaism The Myth of Right-Wing Security 25 Jan
The article explores the misconception that right-wing politicians are inherently better at providing security. The author argues that this belief is flawed ...
25 Jan
Rationalist Judaism A Declaration 23 Jan
The author discusses the idea of a national emergency in Israel and its implications for charitable giving and support of Torah institutions. He mentions tha...
23 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Charedim are Forcing Yeshiva Students into the IDF 20 Jan
The charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community is currently facing a crisis due to the shortage of manpower in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). As a result, the IDF...
20 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Rav Zevin: "Is This Da'as Torah?" 18 Jan
Rav Shlomo Yosef Zevin, a prominent rabbinic authority, wrote a letter about whether yeshiva students should be drafted into the army. He questions the justi...
18 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Killer Whales and Zionism 16 Jan
The author discusses the message of the Biblical Museum of Natural History, which emphasizes how animals are a part of the cultural heritage of different nat...
16 Jan