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Natan Slifkin

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Rationalist Judaism A Painful Deal 28 Nov 2023
The author discusses the pain caused by a recent hostage deal and aims to alleviate some of the concerns surrounding it. They argue that the deal received br...
28 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism The Complex Reality 27 Nov 2023
In this article, Rav Dovid Leibel discusses the issue of charedim (ultra-Orthodox) and their participation in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). He argues tha...
27 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism "Every Tehillim is a Bullet" 26 Nov 2023
In the charedi world, there is a belief that yeshiva students play a crucial role in winning the war, either by providing merit or by actually fighting again...
26 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism He's Not An Aberration 25 Nov 2023
In this article, the author discusses the response of the charedi Jewish community to controversial statements made by one of their rabbinic figures, Rav Bun...
25 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism "What's it got to do with us?" 24 Nov 2023
Rav Yisroel Bunim Schreiber, a prominent figure in the Israeli charedi community, recently sparked controversy with his remarks about soldiers in the IDF. He...
24 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism The Pushback 23 Nov 2023
The American charedi Gedolei Torah's response to the March for Israel rally led to controversy, with no rabbis attending and ranging from weak endorsement to...
23 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism The Charedi approach to the war 22 Nov 2023
The author addresses criticisms of their posts on the lack of charedi (ultra-Orthodox) involvement in the war efforts. They argue that revealing the issue do...
22 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism Straight From The Top 21 Nov 2023
Rav Aharon Feldman, a highly respected rabbi and member of Agudas Yisraels Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, released a letter explaining his decision to withdraw sup...
21 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism The Rosh HaShana Spirit 14 Sep 2023
The author shares a creative way to get into the spirit of Rosh HaShana by creating a YouTube playlist of the tunes used in their shul, which has a significa...
14 Sep 2023
Rationalist Judaism Controversial Kashrut 12 Sep 2023
The author discusses the controversy surrounding the kashrut of a particular species, which is commonly assumed to be not kosher. However, after researching ...
12 Sep 2023