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Natan Slifkin

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Rationalist Judaism Commander Slifkin Reflects 10 Sep 2023
The author reflects on their daughter's decision to join a Midrasha/IDF program after high school. The daughter shares her experiences as a religious girl in...
10 Sep 2023
Rationalist Judaism Happy Jumping Elephant Day! 7 Sep 2023
Daf Yomi is discussing the concept of acquiring animals by lifting them up, with a specific question about how one would acquire an elephant. The Gemara cryp...
7 Sep 2023
Rationalist Judaism Mission: Impossible 6 Sep 2023
The article discusses a new book called "The Great Zmanim Debate," written by Rabbi Aharon Notis, which addresses the topic of Torah and science. The book ar...
6 Sep 2023
Rationalist Judaism The Ultimate Mishnah 4 Sep 2023
The author discusses the importance of books in Jewish life and how the Charedi community has dominated the publishing field for many years, particularly thr...
4 Sep 2023
Rationalist Judaism Pixar vs. Jewish Continuity 31 Aug 2023
The author discusses their disappointment with Pixar's new movie, "Elemental," which they felt promoted intermarriage. The film tells the story of Ember, a F...
31 Aug 2023
Rationalist Judaism Why do we need a Mesorah for Birds? 29 Aug 2023
The author discusses the laws of kashrut for birds and the different viewpoints of Jewish scholars regarding the signs that determine whether a bird is koshe...
29 Aug 2023
Rationalist Judaism The Turtle Prisoner 27 Aug 2023
The author discusses a case of a man from the charedi community in Bnei Brak or Beitar who was arrested in Madagascar for turtle trafficking. The man had 59 ...
27 Aug 2023
Rationalist Judaism Angry Birds 24 Aug 2023
The author discusses the radical halachic difference between rationalists and mystics regarding the mitzvah of shiluach ha-kein, which appears in this week's...
24 Aug 2023
Rationalist Judaism "An Unnatural Fixation with Charedim" 22 Aug 2023
The author addresses a reader's accusation of an "unnatural fixation" on Charedim (ultra-Orthodox Jews) and explains that their criticisms of Charedi society...
22 Aug 2023
Rationalist Judaism A Tale of Two Tefillin Bags 20 Aug 2023
The author reflects on his changed perspective regarding the charedi and dati-leumi approaches to Judaism through the lens of tefillin bags. In his youth, he...
20 Aug 2023