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Natan Slifkin

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Rationalist Judaism Rome Shmome 31 Jul
The text discusses the dilemma Israel faces regarding its approach towards its Arab enemies, balancing a hard-line stance with international political consid...
31 Jul
Rationalist Judaism Mission: Impossible 18 Jul
The letter addresses tensions within the Jewish community, specifically between the Orthodox Union (OU) and the charedi community regarding military enlistme...
18 Jul
Rationalist Judaism Herzl and the Rabbits 14 Jul
"Watership Down" is a 1972 British children's book by Richard Adams that follows a group of rabbits led by Herzl Hazel on a journey of adventure, hardship, a...
14 Jul
Rationalist Judaism "Haters of Torah" 11 Jul
The article discusses the chareidi community's refusal to share in the national burden faced by other Israelis, particularly in terms of military service, fr...
11 Jul
Rationalist Judaism Wonderful - if it's Kiruv 10 Jul
The text discusses the ongoing debate within the Charedi community regarding military service in Israel. It highlights a video featuring Rabbi Asher Weiss di...
10 Jul
Rationalist Judaism The Eighty Unmentionable Yeshivos 9 Jul
The author discusses the lack of awareness among American yeshivish Jews about the dati-leumi community in Israel, particularly the eighty hesder yeshivot th...
9 Jul
Rationalist Judaism Rav Brudny's Accusation 7 Jul
Rav Brudny's article in Mishpacha magazine discusses the High Court ruling in Israel and the issue of charedi yeshiva students' exemption from army service. ...
7 Jul
Rationalist Judaism The "Great Ones" 6 Jul
The Council of Great Torah Scholars of Agudas Yisrael of America issued a statement urging increased prayers, citing various challenges faced by the Jewish P...
6 Jul
Rationalist Judaism An Aquatic Kosher Adventure 5 Jul
The Biblical Museum of Natural History will mark its tenth anniversary with various events, starting with an exotic kosher feast themed "Legends from the Sea...
5 Jul
Rationalist Judaism If Only It Were A Lie 2 Jul
Liel Liebowitz's article in Tablet Magazine criticizes the notion that Israel needs charedim (ultra-Orthodox Jews) to serve in the army, suggesting it is a p...
2 Jul