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Natan Slifkin

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Rationalist Judaism What Should Trapped Charedim Do? 27 Aug
The article addresses dilemmas faced by charedi individuals who feel trapped in their community's norms, particularly around not participating in national re...
27 Aug
Rationalist Judaism The Dati Community is Furious 24 Aug
This article reflects the deep resentment and anger within the Dati Leumi community in Israel towards the Charedi community regarding military service. Many ...
24 Aug
Rationalist Judaism The Delusion about Dati'im 22 Aug
The article discusses a growing tension between the Anglo-charedim and the dati-leumi communities in Israel, particularly following the events of October 7th...
22 Aug
Rationalist Judaism The Rule of Law 20 Aug
The discussion addresses the importance of adhering to the rule of law in Israel, particularly in the context of the recent arrest of soldiers on suspicion o...
20 Aug
Rationalist Judaism The Religious Risks of IDF Service 18 Aug
The article discusses common claims about the religious risks that IDF service poses for charedim. It debunks these claims by highlighting that soldiers from...
18 Aug
Rationalist Judaism Trust the Magic 16 Aug
The author reflects on a lecture by R. Neugroschel advocating against charedim serving in the army, highlighting Neugroschel's emphasis on blind trust in the...
16 Aug
Rationalist Judaism Torah and Army: The Big Index 14 Aug
The text discusses the author's posts on the topic of charedim and army service, highlighting the divide in perspectives between those in the United States a...
14 Aug
Rationalist Judaism An Erev Tisha B'Av Disgrace 12 Aug
On Erev Tisha B'Av, a lecture was given by Rabbi Mordechai Neugroschel at a charedi shul in Ramat Beit Shemesh focusing on Charedi army conscription and even...
12 Aug
Rationalist Judaism Distorting and Delegitimizing Opponents 7 Aug
The text highlights the issue of distorting and delegitimizing opponents in discussions within the Jewish community, particularly regarding topics like going...
7 Aug
Rationalist Judaism Moshe Rabbeinu, Hater of Torah 2 Aug
The text discusses a page from a purported elucidation of the Torah, Chumash HaCharedim LDvar HaGedolim, claiming to be based on hidden Kabbalistic teachings...
2 Aug