Natan Slifkin shares his internal struggle with confronting communal norms regarding military service among charedi Jews. Despite his reluctance, fear, and d...
Roshei Yeshiva from the Dati-Leumi community are voicing their opposition to charedi exemptions from Israeli military service amid the ongoing conflict affec...
Natan Slifkin discusses the juxtaposition between the charedi community's reluctance to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces and the religious interpretation ...
Natan Slifkin shares updates from the Biblical Museum of Natural History, highlighting the growing collection of unique Noah's Ark models from around the wor...
Natan Slifkin explores the intersection of evolution and Judaism, challenging the common belief that evolutionary theory is antithetical to Jewish theology. ...
Natan Slifkin reflects on his recent meeting with Natan Sharansky, a hero who endured persecution in the Soviet Gulag and became an advocate for freedom. Sli...
Rabbi Dr. Natan Slifkin critiques the narratives presented in Jewish Action magazine regarding communal unity and contributions to Israeli society, particula...
Natan Slifkin critiques the superficial understanding of 'achdus' or unity emphasized during Sukkot, arguing that true achdus involves proactively taking res...
Rav Melamed, author of Peninei Halacha, offers a distinct perspective on the Yom Kippur practice of Viduy, typically focused on confession and regret. In a s...
Natan Slifkin reflects on the twentieth anniversary of the Great Torah-Science Controversy, when his books integrating Torah with scientific perspectives wer...