Bradley Cooper's film "Maestro" has received mixed reactions and controversial attention, with some criticizing his portrayal of Leonard Bernstein's nose. De...
Director Norman Jewison, a self-proclaimed goy, made one of the most beloved Jewish films of all time, Fiddler on the Roof. Despite not being Jewish, Jewison...
The PBS documentary "Nazi Town, USA" explores the period in the 1930s when American citizens, affected by the Great Depression and influenced by racist polic...
"Delegation" is a film that follows Israeli teenagers on a school trip to Holocaust sites before they join the IDF. Amidst the backdrop of Treblinka, Auschwi...
The documentary "Spinoza: Six Reasons for the Excommunication of the Philosopher" explores the motivations behind Baruch Spinoza's excommunication by the Ams...
Noah Schnapp, one of the stars of Stranger Things, has spoken out on TikTok to clarify his position on the Israel-Gaza conflict, stating that his beliefs hav...
"Vishniac" is a documentary film about the life and work of photographer Roman Vishniac, known for his images of European Jewish life and microscopic organis...
In the final episode of the Showtime series "The Curse," an Orthodox Jewish doula named Moses, played by chiropractor and actor Dr. Elliot Berlin, appears in...
In the film "Stay With Us," comedian Gad Elmaleh, often referred to as the French Jerry Seinfeld, explores his real-life interest in Catholicism and its impa...
The Golden Globes, known for being politically outspoken, is expected to address Israel and Gaza during this year's awards ceremony. While organizers hope to...