Igor Golyak, a theater director known for his innovative use of technology, has embarked on a Jewish-focused season of productions. Golyak, who discovered hi...
The article discusses the connection between J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" and Jewish history. While Tolkien himself was not Jewish, he had a symp...
In a lighthearted article, the author presents 24 humorous predictions for pop culture in 2024. These predictions include Steven Spielberg making viral socia...
"The Gospel According to Chaim" is a new Yiddish play by Mikhl Yashinsky that explores the story of a Jewish-born Christian missionary, Chaim Henry Einspruch...
The tradition of Jews eating Chinese food on Christmas is a well-known phenomenon. While there is no evidence of an authentic holiday message from the Chines...
Steve McQueen's documentary film, Occupied City, explores modern and Holocaust-era Amsterdam through contemporary footage. The film aims to shed light on the...
The article discusses the song "Sunbeams" and its significance in the film "The Zone of Interest." The song was composed by Joseph Wulf, a Holocaust survivor...
"The Curse," a TV series starring Emma Stone and co-created by Nathan Fielder and Benny Safdie, explores themes of identity, privilege, and atonement. The ma...
Actor Melissa Barrera lost her role in the Scream franchise for promoting an antisemitic trope accusing Jews of controlling the media. Barrera had shared pos...
Elon Musk has come under fire for approving a post on his platform that propagated a conspiracy theory known as the "great replacement," which accuses Jews o...