"Seven Blessings," Israel's Oscar submission, tells a story of a Mizrahi family grappling with family secrets, betrayal, and forgiveness. The film challenges...
A group of prominent figures, including Debra Messing, Amy Schumer, and Isaac Mizrahi, have addressed a letter to TikTok expressing concerns about the safety...
Avi Issaccharoff, journalist and co-creator of the show "Fauda," revealed that the upcoming season almost depicted a scenario similar to the recent terrorist...
Many celebrities, including Natalie Portman, Sarah Silverman, Bono, Alex Edelman, and others, have spoken out about the Israel-Gaza War. Silverman emphasized...
"Golda," featuring Helen Mirren as Golda Meir, focuses on Meir's leadership during the Yom Kippur War, portraying her complex emotions and decision-making un...
Oppenheimer, a film by Christopher Nolan, delves into the complex relationship between physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer and Lewis Strauss, highlighting their ...
In a light-hearted yet critical take on the Harry Potter universe in light of J.K. Rowling's controversies and Jewish sensitivity, the article suggests humor...
The article discusses the trend of Christian adaptations of the Purim story of Esther and their varying portrayals in movies. Despite being a Jewish tale, Ch...
The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is digitizing the Jewish Labor Bund archive, which includes 3.5 million pages of documents, photos, flyers, and corres...
An AI-generated version of the sitcom Seinfeld on Twitch, named Nothing, Forever, was suspended for two weeks due to the AI character Larry making transphobi...