Robert Zaretsky

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Forward 'Never has peace seemed so necessary and impossible' — Eva Illouz on the horrors of Oct. 7 and its aftermath 2 Feb
Eva Illouz, a renowned sociologist, discusses the profound impact of the Hamas massacre in Israel and the subsequent military response. Illouz shares her ini...
2 Feb
Forward In her search for truth, Hannah Arendt would have recognized the lies of Netanyahu, Putin and Trump 11 Jan
Hannah Arendt's book "Between Past and Future" emphasized the importance of thinking in an age where the past provides little guidance and the future offers ...
11 Jan
Forward Is an intifada in France inevitable? Peut-être 13 Dec 2023
The recent increase in antisemitic acts in France, in response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, has sparked concerns about the potential for an inti...
13 Dec 2023
Jewish Review of Books On Literary Brilliance and Moral Rot   16 Jun 2018
The French publishing house Gallimard's decision to republish three anti-Semitic pamphlets by the controversial author Louis-Ferdinand Céline, known for his ...
16 Jun 2018