Set during WWII in Shanghai, "migr" is a Romeo-and-Juliet musical that explores the love story of a Chinese woman and a Jewish man against the backdrop of Je...
Chef Jeremy Dean, of Mexican and Salvadoran descent, created matzo ball soup dumplings at Lucky Rabbit Noodles in Brooklyn, combining Chinese and Ashkenazi J...
The Lonka Project, a collaboration between 311 photographers in 35 countries, has created a visual record of the last living Holocaust survivors. Jim Holland...
Israel has become the first country to approve the sale of lab-grown beef, cultivated by Aleph Farms. The firm has received provisional approval from the Isr...
The article discusses the loss of Jewish cafeterias in New York City, focusing on Dubrows Cafeteria in Flatbush. These cafeterias were more than just places ...
UK rap star Skepta has apologized for album artwork that was seen by some as referencing the Holocaust. The artwork for his latest single featured a photo of...
New York Governor Kathy Hochul has signed a bill guaranteeing the availability of kosher and halal food in state prisons. The law, set to take effect in Sept...
Sara Erenthal, a Brooklyn-based artist, recently held an exhibition titled "Sorry, I Cant Do This Right Now (But Im Doing it Anyway)" at the Brooklyn Artery....
The article discusses an exhibit called "Between Edges: Israeli Contemporary Jewelry," which explores Israeli design aesthetic and the tension within Israeli...
Chef and food activist Ora Wise, along with three Palestinian American chefs and a writer and farmer, marched in Washington, D.C. to call for a cease-fire in...