The aftermath of the events on October 7 in Israel led to a profound transformation seen in the physical landscape of the country and the widespread emergenc...
"Shababnikim" is an Israeli sitcom that follows the lives of four yeshiva students as they navigate contemporary Israel. The show explores the experiences of...
The symposium explores the idea of Torah u-Madda, the integration of Torah and secular studies in Modern Orthodox Judaism. It discusses the challenges and ev...
The ANU Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv has reopened after a renovation, offering a modern and inclusive vision of Jewish peoplehood. The museum feat...
"When Heidi Met Shimen" is a book by Moshe Koppel that expands upon his blog, "Judaism Without Apologies," where he juxtaposes the lives and ideals of two Je...
Yemima Mizrachi, an influential religious teacher and speaker in Israel, explores the themes of joy, love, and desire in the context of Yom Kippur in her boo...
The author reflects on her family's recent move from a suburban Jewish community in New Jersey to Israel, discussing the complexities and conflicts they expe...
In Seymour Epstein's "Suspecting Esther," he presents a provocative interpretation of the Book of Esther, suggesting that it serves as a critique of Jewish l...
The book of Ruth, despite its quiet nature, continues to resonate in Western literature. Writers like Marilynne Robinson and Meir Shalev draw upon the Ruth s...
"The Unorthodox," directed by Eliran Malka, is a film that delves into the founding of the Shas political party in Israel, which champions the interests of S...