The article discusses the portrayal of ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities in recent media, focusing on the contrast between tragedy and comedy in these depict...
Chaim Potok's posthumous collection of plays offers insight into the struggles of mid-20th-century Jewish intellectuals balancing traditional Judaism with mo...
The final Torah portions of Leviticus, Behar and Behukkotai, extend the concept of sanctity from the Tabernacle to include time and place, introducing the Sa...
Muriel Spark, a celebrated author, and icon, known for works like The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, explored human motivation with depth and humor. Born to a Je...
Israeli television has seen a rise in series depicting the lives of religious Jews, showcasing iconic shows like Srugim, Kathmandu, Shtisel, and the latest a...
"Eternal Life" by Dara Horn is a novel that imagines the story of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai's mother, Rachel, who takes a vow at the Temple, granting her imm...
The symposium on women and Torah learning highlighted the support from Jewish leaders like the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Soloveitchik, and Rabbi Lichtenstein ...
In 1923, Rabbi Yehuda Meir Shapiro introduced the Daf Yomi program, encouraging daily study of a page of Talmud for seven and a half years. Ilana Kurshan's m...
"The Wedding Plan" is a film directed by Rama Burshtein, known for her portrayal of the haredi community in movies like "Fill the Void." The story follows Mi...
The article explores the themes of destiny, tradition, and inner voice in the Disney film "Moana" and draws parallels to Jewish history and identity. The pro...