Shira Isenberg

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Jewish Action Subs for Your Carbs: Low-Carb But High-in-Taste Dishes for the High Holidays 15 Sep 2017
Registered dietitian Shira Isenberg emphasizes the importance of including some carbohydrates in the diet for energy and nutrients, cautioning against overea...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Stress Less This Summer 22 Jun 2017
As summer approaches, many people experience increased stress levels due to changes in routine, family dynamics, and environmental factors. Long-term stress ...
22 Jun 2017
Jewish Action Pesach Getaway Without Gaining 21 Mar 2017
When attending a Pesach hotel getaway and trying to maintain a diet, focus on weight maintenance rather than weight loss due to the abundant and tempting foo...
21 Mar 2017
Jewish Action Goodbye Soup Mix, Hello Chicken: The Less Processed Shabbat 28 Nov 2016
The article discusses transitioning to a less processed Shabbat meal. It categorizes processed foods into five levels, from minimally processed to heavily pr...
28 Nov 2016
Jewish Action Smart School Snacks 20 Sep 2016
To help an overweight child avoid diabetes, consider sending nutrient-dense, low-sugar snacks like cut-up fruits and vegetables, string cheese, nuts and seed...
20 Sep 2016
Jewish Action Going Green: Lettuce—The Perfect Pesach Vegetable 18 Mar 2016
Lettuce, often a staple in Pesach meals, indeed has nutritional value despite popular misconceptions. While iceberg lettuce is low in calories and nutrients,...
18 Mar 2016
Jewish Action To Sleep, Perchance to Dream 4 Jun 2015
Insomnia affects nearly half of Americans and can be exacerbated by anxiety and worries about sleep, especially among religious individuals for whom lack of ...
4 Jun 2015
Jewish Action Pesach Dieters, Take Note: You Can Have Your Potato—and Eat It, Too! 3 Mar 2015
Potatoes often get a bad rap for being perceived as fattening due to their carb content, but they are actually nutritious and low in fat, providing essential...
3 Mar 2015
Jewish Action Winter Workout 24 Dec 2014
The text provides advice for frum women on how to stay active during winter. It highlights outdoor activities like skiing, suggests wearing appropriate cloth...
24 Dec 2014
Jewish Action Living the Sweet Life 1 Dec 2014
Excessive sugar consumption, especially added sugars, has been linked to weight gain and various chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease due to thei...
1 Dec 2014