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Sruli Fruchter

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18forty With God in the Picture, Death Is Not a Lonely Experience 9 Aug
Contrary to other cultures, Judaism does not personify Death as a figure; rather, it is viewed as a tool of God, sometimes personified as Satan, controlling ...
9 Aug
18forty After My Daughter Died By Suicide, I Vowed To Help Save Lives 7 Aug
Rabbi Shalom Hammer shares his personal story of losing his daughter, Gila, to suicide and how it led him to establish Gilas Way, an organization dedicated t...
7 Aug
18forty A Eulogy for a Man I Did Not Know 4 Aug
The writer recalls being called by a rabbi to participate in a burial service for a man who passed away with no known family or friends. Despite not knowing ...
4 Aug
Forward Far-right extremists stormed an IDF base. Their understanding of patriotism is dead wrong. 30 Jul
Far-right extremists recently stormed two IDF bases in protest of soldiers being investigated for alleged abuse of a Palestinian detainee. While claiming to ...
30 Jul
18forty Should Judaism Be Orthodox, Post-Denominational, or Something Else? 26 Jul
The discussion surrounding the divisions within Judaism poses the question: should Judaism adhere to Orthodox, post-denominational, or alternative frameworks...
26 Jul
18forty Chabad’s Mission Is Not Much Different Than Centrist Orthodoxy’s 24 Jul
The text compares the mission of Chabad with Centrist Orthodoxy in understanding the purpose of Jewish practice as creating a dwelling place for God in the p...
24 Jul
18forty Three Weeks To Mourn the Kibbutzim of Slaughter 23 Jul
The essay discusses the need for mourning and healing in the Jewish community following the October 7 massacre and parallels it with the concept of the Three...
23 Jul
18forty His Ladder Will Take You to the Zohar 10 Jul
Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag, also known as Baal HaSulam, was a key figure in popularizing Kabbalah and the Zohar in the 20th century. Born in Poland, he mo...
10 Jul
18forty How the Lubavitcher Rebbe Teaches Us to Transcend Ourselves 9 Jul
The article discusses the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, focusing on the importance of collectivity, generosity, and e...
9 Jul
18forty If America Cares About Democracy, It Will Stand by Israel 4 Jul
The text emphasizes the importance of democracy as a moral value and highlights Abraham Lincoln's definition of democracy as protecting individual freedom an...
4 Jul