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Sruli Fruchter

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18forty Does Revelation Satisfy the ‘Why Be Jewish’ Question? 3 Jul
The essay discusses the fundamental question of "why be Jewish" in contemporary discourse, focusing on the shift towards emphasizing the act of "doing Jewish...
3 Jul
Forward Today’s antisemitism will not end when the war in Gaza does 27 Jun
The article discusses the current wave of antisemitism, emphasizing that it goes beyond the recent conflict in Gaza and is reshaping the world for Jews. It h...
27 Jun
18forty Benny Morris Has Thoughts on Israel, the War, and Our Future 25 Jun
Benny Morris, a prominent Israeli historian, has shifted to the right politically over the years, and remains a crucial figure in understanding Israel's hist...
25 Jun
18forty Discovering Orthodoxy, Halacha, and Myself 19 Jun
The author describes her journey of discovering Orthodoxy and halacha, starting with a fascination with the moon and the interconnectedness of Jewish women's...
19 Jun
18forty Is Orthodoxy Too Fractured? Our Past Can Guide Us 19 Jun
In 1992, a symposium on Orthodox unity addressed significant halakhic issues and challenges facing the Jewish community, including internal divisions, outrea...
19 Jun
18forty I Always Felt Religiously Homeless Growing Up—Until I Came to Israel 5 Jun
The author reflects on feeling spiritually homeless while growing up in a mixed denominational Jewish environment in America. They struggled to reconcile the...
5 Jun
18forty My Jewish identity began as a crisis—It’s become so much more today 30 May
The author reflects on their Jewish identity crisis, which started in their youth when questioning the meaning of Judaism, leading them to atheism due to per...
30 May
Forward My fellow supporters of Israel's war: We must grieve the horrifying deaths of innocent Palestinians in Rafah 29 May
A Jewish columnist reflects on the emotional toll of supporting Israel's war efforts in the face of civilian casualties, particularly in the aftermath of a t...
29 May
18forty What Jewish Denominations Mean to Me 16 May
The author reflects on their personal journey of Jewish affiliation, revealing a deep connection to Orthodox Judaism stemming from a family history where Jew...
16 May
Forward This Yom Ha’atzmaut, we need the humility to question Israel’s future 13 May
On Yom Haatzmaut, the celebration of Israeli Independence Day, a Religious Zionist columnist reflects on his traditional beliefs and the challenges facing Is...
13 May