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Sruli Fruchter

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18forty Can We Handle the Summer of October 7? 10 May
The article discusses how the trauma of October 7, like the horror experienced during that event, will now mark time for Israel and global Jewry. The challen...
10 May
18forty Torah or Zionism? Hesder Ideology Says Both 9 May
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein's paper from 1981 outlines the Hesder program's unique approach, allowing religious students to combine military service with Torah s...
9 May
18forty Do You Have the Free Will to Read This? 5 May
The text discusses different philosophical perspectives on free will, including libertarianism, determinism, and compatibilism, and their implications for Je...
5 May
Forward Celebrating Passover feels futile with hostages in Gaza. But we must. 19 Apr
As Passover approaches, the author grapples with celebrating the holiday while hostages remain captive in Gaza for over six months. Feeling conflicted betwee...
19 Apr
18forty A Letter to Children Estranged From Their Parents 17 Apr
The letter addresses children who are estranged from their parents, emphasizing the deep hurt and complexities of these relationships. The writer draws on ex...
17 Apr
18forty A Prayer for Israel to Add to Your Pesach Seder 17 Apr
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon has composed a special prayer for Israel to be recited at Pesach Sedarim, expressing gratitude for living in a time of redemption and w...
17 Apr
Forward Jews who blame Israel for antisemitism are only helping antisemites 12 Apr
The article discusses the relationship between Israel's actions and antisemitism, arguing that blaming Israel for antisemitism only serves to aid antisemites...
12 Apr
18forty Hebrew Lips 12 Apr
"The Hebrew Lips" is a poem reflecting on the tension within Jews between the harshness of biblical texts and the reverence for human life inherent in the He...
12 Apr
18forty ‘Are Your Brothers To Go to War While You Stay Here?’: On Haredim Drafting to the IDF 10 Apr
In a response to Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef's opposition to forced conscription of yeshiva students, Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot discusses his son, Amita...
10 Apr
18forty The 7 Essential Features of Anti-Judaism 5 Apr
In a series of discussions on anti-Judaism using various texts, the unique characteristics and historical roots of hatred towards Jews were explored. The key...
5 Apr