"Maoz Tzur," a popular Hanukkah song, recounts Jewish history and expresses longing for the restoration of the Temple in Jerusalem. The song references bibli...
The article explores the biblical figure of Terah, the father of Abraham, and his role in the narrative of God's command to Abram to go to the land of Canaan...
The New York Coliseum, built by Robert Moses in 1956, was demolished in 1999 after standing for fewer years than its namesake in Rome. The author reflects on...
Rabbi Shlomo Goren, the chief rabbi of the Israeli Defense Forces, had two significant experiences blowing the shofar in historic locations. In 1956, a shofa...
The article explores the enduring appeal of the biblical figure of Daniel. The author highlights how Daniel's story, found in the biblical Book of Daniel, ha...
The permission to eat meat granted by God to humanity after Noah's Ark is often overlooked. Jewish commentators throughout history have provided various inte...
The American colonists found inspiration in the biblical figure King David as they sought reassurance that their fight for independence was in line with God'...
The author points out the absence of Moses in the celebration of Shavuot, a holiday that commemorates the giving of the law. The Torah portion of Yitro revea...
Ilana Pardes' book, "Ruth: A Migrant's Tale," explores the biblical story of Ruth and its various interpretations throughout history. The book tells the stor...
The article discusses the figure of Elijah in American political and cultural history. Elijah, the biblical prophet, has been invoked by various figures thro...