"The Joy of Purim—Alcohol Not Included" explores the author's personal struggle with the tradition of drinking on Purim and the deeper meaning behind the joy...
Koren Publishers has released a graphic novel adaptation of the Book of Esther, called "The Koren Tanakh Graphic Novel Esther." The novel is aimed at a young...
This article reflects on Theodor Herzl's essay "The Menorah," in which he uses the story of Hanukkah to explore the reclaiming of Jewish identity in the face...
The book of Jubilees, written during the Second Temple period, is a creative retelling of Genesis and parts of Exodus that presents alternate storylines and ...
This text discusses the importance of synagogues as both physical spaces and communities. It highlights the significance of human connections made within syn...
The 17th of Tammuz, a fast day in the Jewish calendar, is described as a post-COVID holiday that encourages individuals to break away from old restrictions, ...
The symposium discusses the concept of Torah u-Madda (Torah and secular studies) in the Modern Orthodox community and its evolving meaning. It is argued that...
The article explores different interpretations of Jonah's prayer from the depths in the biblical story of Jonah and the whale. It discusses how literary mode...
The author suggests that the Liberty Bell should go back on tour in order to heal America's divisions. The bell, inscribed with a verse from the Hebrew Bible...
The article explores the various ways in which the biblical figure of Samson has been invoked and interpreted in American historical and cultural contexts. I...