Tony Badran

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Tablet After Gaza 9 May
As Israel was engaged in a military operation in Gaza following violence from Hamas, the Biden administration began discussing plans for the future once the ...
9 May
Tablet Why America’s Richest Universities Are Protecting Hate-Filled Foreign Students 31 Jan
American universities, including prestigious Ivy League schools, have increasingly enrolled a significant number of foreign students, many of whom come from ...
31 Jan
Tablet Iran Sponsored the October 7 Massacre. America Paid for It. 14 Dec 2023
In October 2021, Hamas carried out a massacre that claimed the lives of over 1,200 Israelis. Shortly after the attack, the Biden administration granted Iran ...
14 Dec 2023
Tablet Deport Violent Radicals 14 Nov 2023
In the wake of the October 7th massacre, both center-left leaders in Germany and top American Republicans are calling for the deportation of foreign national...
14 Nov 2023
Tablet What Now? 7 Nov 2023
The author, Kathryn Wolf, shares her personal experience of facing antisemitism in her city and her decision to fight back against it. She describes a situat...
7 Nov 2023
Tablet Eyeless in Gaza 18 Oct 2023
This article discusses Israel's intelligence failure in the face of a massive Hamas terrorist attack in Gaza. The author highlights the role of Lebanon in th...
18 Oct 2023
Tablet Was Biden’s Speech as Pro-Israel as You Think? 12 Oct 2023
President Biden's recent speech on the terrorist attack on Israel failed to mention Iran, the chief sponsor and funder of Hamas. This omission suggests that ...
12 Oct 2023
Tablet Biden Backdoors Israel in the U.N., Rescinding Trump’s Recognition of Sovereignty over the Golan 6 Sep 2023
The article discusses the growing divide between the stated foreign policies of the United States and the policies being implemented on the ground, particula...
6 Sep 2023
Tablet In Lebanon, Israel and America Are on Opposite Sides 2 Aug 2023
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently discussed with IDF officials the concerns regarding Hezbollah provocations on the northern border. Reports...
2 Aug 2023
Tablet Team Biden Mainstreams Terror Financing in Lebanon 5 Jun 2023
The Biden administration continues to support the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and Internal Security Forces (ISF), despite the fact that they are heavily infl...
5 Jun 2023