Tony Badran

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Tablet The New Saudi State Sets Off Into Uncharted Geopolitical Waters 22 May 2023
Saudi Arabia is navigating a new geopolitical landscape as it emerges as a global actor after years of isolation. The country finds itself without a clear ge...
22 May 2023
Tablet The New Herodians 4 May 2023
The State of Israel is facing a crucial choice between maintaining its independence or becoming a client of a great power, governed by a Herodian faction. Th...
4 May 2023
Tablet Blinken Builds a Palestinian Hezbollah in the West Bank 8 Mar 2023
The article discusses a plan by the Biden administration to create a 5,000-strong Palestinian force in the West Bank that would supposedly fight terrorism. T...
8 Mar 2023
Tablet Hezekiah’s Mistake 9 Feb 2023
The author discusses the story of Hezekiah, the king of Judah, in the book of Isaiah as a lesson in statecraft for Israeli leaders. Hezekiah faced a geopolit...
9 Feb 2023
Tablet Biden Trashes the Abraham Accords 22 Nov 2022
The Biden administration is showing hostility towards the Abraham Accords, a framework for peace agreements between Israel and Arab countries. This is becaus...
22 Nov 2022
Tablet Yeah, Buoy!!! 12 Oct 2022
The recent Lebanon gas deal has caused controversy in Israel, with many criticizing Prime Minister Yair Lapid for agreeing to cede the entire disputed mariti...
12 Oct 2022
Tablet America’s Regional Integration Scheme Benefits Iran 8 Sep 2022
The Biden administration's regional integration scheme for the Middle East is seen as beneficial to Iran. The strategy aims to create a more secure and integ...
8 Sep 2022
Tablet Biden’s Visit Bodes Ill for Israel 13 Jul 2022
The article argues that President Joe Biden's upcoming visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia signals a problematic shift in American foreign policy towards the Mi...
13 Jul 2022
Tablet The Name of the Lebanese Play? The Aristocrats! 26 May 2022
The article discusses the tendency of Washington elites to prioritize narratives over facts, using the example of the recent Lebanese elections to illustrate...
26 May 2022
Tablet Team Biden Runs the Syria Playbook on Ukraine 17 Mar 2022
The Biden administration's approach to Ukraine mirrors the "Syria playbook" established by the Obama administration, according to this article. The key point...
17 Mar 2022