Yitzhak Y. Melamed

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Jewish Review of Books A Plague on the Shores of the Sea of Galilee 30 Jun 2020
This text discusses the history of the Hasidic movement in the late 18th century, particularly focusing on the leadership of Rabbi Dov Ber Friedman, known as...
30 Jun 2020
Jewish Review of Books No Empty Place 16 Jun 2018
In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, a rift emerged between the Hasidic movement and its opponents, particularly the Lithuanian mitnagdim, over theolog...
16 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Angel and the Covenant 26 Sep 2016
Rabbi Shmelke of Nikolsburg encountered the Angel of Death at the German border in the 1770s, warning him that spreading Hasidism in Western Europe would lea...
26 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books The Lost Textual Treasures of a Hasidic Community 22 Mar 2012
After World War II, efforts were made to recover Jewish books stolen by Nazis, including those belonging to the Stoliner Hasidim community. Recent discoverie...
22 Mar 2012