The article revisits the infamous Seligman Affair, an incident in 1877 where prominent Jewish banker Joseph Seligman was barred from the Grand Union Hotel in...
Yeshiva University basketball star Ryan Turell plans to enter the NBA draft and become the first Orthodox Jewish player in the league. One of the main challe...
The term "Modern Orthodoxy" has been debated within the Orthodox Jewish community, with some arguing that the label is unnecessary and that the disagreements...
Solomon Hurwitz, a forgotten pioneer in Jewish education in America, tragically died of the Spanish Flu in 1920 at the age of 32. As the founding principal o...
Professor William Helmreich, a distinguished sociologist at City College who recently passed away due to COVID-19, was known for his insightful exploration o...
The text discusses the historical development of the Daf Yomi movement, which involves studying a page of the Talmud daily to complete the entire Babylonian ...
The discussion revolves around the impact of digital tools on Jewish learning, particularly in Torah study. Rabbi Hayyim of Volozhin believed that with print...
The Brachos Bee, conceptualized by Rabbi Dovid Price in 1971 and organized by Torah Umesorah, was a competitive event for Orthodox Jewish day schools in New ...
Rabbi Norman Lamm, a prominent Orthodox Jewish leader, emphasized the importance of the Jewish family as a sanctuary and a stronghold of religious tradition ...
Rabbi Hershel Schachter's faith centers on the concept of mesorah, the chain of rabbinic transmission that upholds Orthodox tradition, guided by divine inter...