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Has the Canadian left lost the Jewish community for good?

JL;DR SUMMARY With Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announcing his resignation, Jewish community leaders express skepticism about the future prospects of the Liberal Party regarding key issues of antisemitism and Israel relations. A way out west there was a fella, fella I want to tell you about, fella by the name of Jeff Lebowski. At least, that was the handle his lovin' parents gave him, but he never had much use for it himself. This Lebowski, he called himself the Dude. Now, Dude, that's a name no one would self-apply where I come from. But then, there was a lot about the Dude that didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. And a lot about where he lived, likewise. But then again, maybe that's why I found the place s'durned innarestin'.

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Jewish CommunityIsrael RelationsJustin TrudeauLiberal PartyPierre PoilievreCanadian Jewish LeadersCanadian ElectionLeadership ChangeCanada Politics

Places mentioned

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
"The vast majority of Jews in Canada are fed up with the Liberal Party right now, Steve Wernick, a senior rabbi at Torontos Beth Tzedec Congregation who has led the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, said in an interview with JI on Tuesday."
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
"Anthony Housefather, a Liberal member of Parliament in Montreal who has spoken out against his partys approach to Israel, argued that Trudeau has been unfairly held responsible for some issues that are out of his federal jurisdiction even as he also said that the Canadian government has failed on antisemitism over the past year."
Hampstead, Quebec, Canada
"Jeremy Levi, the Conservative mayor of Hampstead, a suburb of Montreal, said that Trudeaus successor will carry the same flawed agenda or worse."

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