
The author recounts attending a screening of "Guns & Moses" at the Jewish Film Festival, where the film is marketed as a response to antisemitism, but in reality highlights American capitalism as the true threat.
Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, expressed concerns about Wikipedia's bias after the site rated ADL's information on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as generally unreliable.
President Joe Biden and other officials condemned antisemitism following violent clashes outside a Los Angeles synagogue between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protesters, emphasizing the importance of peaceful protest while denouncing violence and intimidation of Jewish congregants.
81 Leonard Gallery in Tribeca is hosting an exhibition titled "Artists on Antisemitism," featuring 38 pieces by 21 artists exploring contemporary and historical hatred of Jews.
In discussing the relationship between America, Israel, and the Jewish people, the text highlights a distinction between criticism of Israel and antisemitism, emphasizing that criticism can be valid without being antisemitic.
A Stanford University task force has detailed pervasive and harmful antisemitism on campus since October 7, with incidents ranging from social ostracization to direct acts of antisemitism against Jewish students.
The text discusses the perception of antisemitism in recent events, highlighting a discrepancy in recognizing it.
Prof. Jeffrey Herf examines different forms of antisemitism in his book "The Three Faces of Antisemitism: Right, Left and Islamist."
Two synagogues in the Dagestan region of Russia were targeted in a coordinated terror attack on houses of worship, alongside churches.
Washington State Sen. Emily Randall, a leading Democratic candidate in the states 6th Congressional District, fired her campaign manager after reports of pro-Hamas social media activity.
A critique in the "Future of Jewish" newsletter questions the feasibility of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that most Israelis fear a Palestinian state would become a terror-supporting entity while Palestinians lean more towards armed struggle than a two-state solution.
Survivors and community members gather at the site of the deadliest antisemitic attack in U.S. history at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.
Columbia University has suspended three administrators for sending disparaging text messages during a panel about Jewish campus life.
Armenia's decision to recognize Palestine, becoming the 145th country to do so, has sparked a diplomatic rift with Israel due to the complex history between the two nations.
Ben Stiller, inspired by his Jewish upbringing and work as a UN goodwill ambassador, penned an op-ed calling for an end to the conflict in Israel and Gaza, condemning terrorism and antisemitism, advocating for a two-state solution, and emphasizing the need for peace and safety for both Palestinians and Israelis.
Senators Cotton and Risch are critical of the Biden administration for apparent delays in delivering American weaponry to Israel, despite their support for the aid package signed by President Biden.
The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures' exhibit, "Hollywoodland: Jewish Founders and the Making of a Movie Capital," faced criticism for allegedly demonizing Jewish Hollywood founders by highlighting their flaws such as nepotism and womanizing.
In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech during a time of intense turmoil, like the current challenges faced by the Jewish community.
Daphne Lazar Price, the executive director of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA), spoke at a conference about supporting women in the Orthodox community.
New York Congressman Ritchie Torres engages in a conversation with Tablet Magazine's Liel Leibovitz and Alana Newhouse, covering topics such as Zionism, the impact of social media on antisemitism, and the importance of patriotism.
Samuel Woodward, on trial for the murder of Jewish college student Blaze Bernstein, testified that he killed Bernstein in a panic after thinking Bernstein was going to out him for being gay.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) in New York have been embroiled in controversy for promoting an event that drew backlash for glorifying violence against Israel and spreading antisemitic messages.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has released updated campus antisemitism report cards, incorporating recent events like pro-Palestinian activism, with some schools' grades changing.
Margot Friedlnder, a 102-year-old Holocaust survivor, writer, and Vogue cover model, shares a message of unity and humanity in her feature with German Vogue.
A recent report by the German government's Office for the Protection of the Constitution indicates a significant increase in extremist crimes in 2023, partially attributed to the Israel-Hamas war and its impact on the social climate in Germany.

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