
Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, known for his close ties with the Arab and Muslim community while supporting Israel, faced challenges amid the conflict in Gaza.
Gabrielle Zevin discussed her Jewish background and identity in a virtual interview with Hadassah Magazine for her novel "Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow," which delves into themes of friendship, identity, and disabilities through Jewish and Korean characters.
Aviva Klompas, a staunch advocate for Israel, has been combating antisemitism through Boundless Israel, a think tank focusing on education and addressing antisemitism in the U.S. Previously a speechwriter for Israel at the UN, Klompas now engages on social media to shape the narrative about Israel and confront antisemitic rhetoric.
A viral video supposedly showing a Hamas member threatening violence at the Paris Olympics was proven to be a Russian disinformation campaign.
The text discusses concerns that U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris may be more anti-Israel than former President Obama due to her alignment with pro-Palestinian progressives and her absence during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech.
The text is a passionate critique of Hamas' actions in Gaza, emphasizing that blaming Israel for the situation is ignorant and unfair.
Pro-Palestinian protesters in Washington D.C. displayed "Hamas is coming" graffiti, sparking controversy and condemnation from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Vice President Kamala Harris.
Dion Marsh, a man from New Jersey, has been sentenced to 40 years in federal prison for a series of violent antisemitic attacks on Orthodox Jewish men in Lakewood in April 2022.
Andrzej Boryga, a self-described Nazi in Indiana, was sentenced to two years in federal prison for leaving threatening voicemails at Anti-Defamation League offices.
Vice President Kamala Harris condemned antisemitic and anti-American displays during protests against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress, denouncing individuals associating with Hamas and affirming that antisemitism, hate, and violence have no place in the nation.
The text is an open letter addressing anti-Israel Jews, expressing frustration with their protests against Israel while ignoring atrocities committed by other countries and advocating for peace and self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians.
Jewish voters are reevaluating their political allegiance and priorities as concerns about antisemitism and safety in the United States grow.
The Paris Olympics pose a significant threat to the Israeli team due to heightened antisemitism and a prominent terrorist threat.
Carrie Silverberg, a member of CUPE in Ontario, has taken legal action against the union, led by Fred Hahn, for what she perceives as systemic antisemitism, citing CUPE's history of anti-Israel policies and support for boycotts.
Carrie Silverberg, a member of CUPE and an education worker in Vaughan, Ontario, has taken legal action against the union and its president, Fred Hahn, citing systemic antisemitism and their support of anti-Israel policies, including boycotts and funding for UNRWA.
President Joe Biden has emphasized ending the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza as a top priority for his remaining six months in office.
A group of Wikipedia editors and administrators criticized the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for its reliability on issues related to Israel, Zionism, antisemitism, and hate symbols.
Vladimir Nabokov, a prominent Russian-born author, led a life marked by tragedy and an enduring connection to Jewish heritage.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu misrepresented comments made by the president of MIT during his address to Congress by claiming that the MIT president, along with the presidents of Harvard and Penn, hesitated to condemn calls for the genocide of Jews on campus, whereas in reality, MIT's president, Sally Kornbluth, gave a clear and direct answer stating that such behavior would be a violation of MIT's policies.
Far-right commentator Candace Owens was removed from an upcoming fundraiser for Donald Trump due to backlash over her history of embracing antisemitic rhetoric and Holocaust denial.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk was spotted with Sara Netanyahu, wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, at a Congressional speech.
The article reflects on the 30th anniversary of the London Israeli Embassy bombing and the continuing security challenges faced by Jewish communities worldwide.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), once a supporter of Israel, now takes a considerably less supportive stance, endorsing BDS and criticizing Israel as an apartheid regime.
The exhibition "Tomer Ganihar/Philip Johnson: Transparent Secrets" at the Israel Museum showcases photographs by Tomer Ganihar of the Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Israel's secretive nuclear facility designed by architect Philip Johnson, known for his Glass House and his prior Nazi sympathies.
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, a Democrat known for his close ties with the Jewish community, is being considered as a potential running mate for Vice President Kamala Harris.

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