Daily Podcasts Video Research

Torah 101

Torah 101 is aptly described as “an intellectual’s introduction to Torah.” If you are a person who wants to understand the foundations of Torah in a logical and cogent fashion, if you don’t want to subsist with the juvenile perception of Torah of your youth, if you want to wrestle with the deeper questions of theology, eschatology, theodicy, and Jewish philosophy, Torah 101 is the podcast for you. We will delve into the weighty topics in Jewish philosophy: the divinity of Torah: the interrelationship of Written and Oral Torah, the multidimensionality of Torah, a critical examination of Bible criticism, Torah and Science, why bad things happen to good people, and we will thoroughly explore Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles of Jewish Faith.
18 Mar
#93: Ultimate Reward and Punishment: Rambam’s Magisterial Essay Part 1 + TORCH Fundraiser
This episode delves into Rambam's foundational essay on reward and punishment, detailing various views on the afterlife and highlighting the confusion surrounding these concepts. It emphasizes the importance of interpreting religious texts with depth and cautions against simplistic interpretations, encouraging a pursuit of understanding that is aligned with deeper truths rather than mere literal interpretations.
10 Mar
#92: World of Souls + 2025 TORCH Fundraiser
Yaakov Wolbe discusses the Sefer HaChinuch, examining the foundations of Jewish faith, including the concepts of the World to Come, the role of suffering, and the Oral Torah. He explains that the Sefer HaChinuch offers concise insights into these concepts, which are essential for understanding Judaism's theological underpinnings.
5 Mar
#91: The Purpose of Torah + Annual TORCH Fundraiser
Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe discusses the purpose of the Torah and its role in elevating humanity from a purely animalistic existence to one aligned with divine and spiritual principles. As part of a fundraising appeal, he emphasizes the importance of supporting TORCH's educational initiatives to help disseminate Torah teachings worldwide.
24 Feb
#90: Testimony at Sinai
The episode explores the Sinai Revelation as an unparalleled historical event where God revealed Himself to the Israelites, creating a mass testimony that underpins Jewish faith. Rabbi Walby discusses the Sefer HaChinuch's introduction, emphasizing the importance of collective witness and tradition in establishing religious truth.
17 Feb
#89: Where Atheists Go Wrong
The episode explores the intersection of atheism, belief, and bias, focusing on the idea that heresy originates not in the mind but in the heart. Drawing on Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman's essay, it argues that belief in God is self-evident to those free from biases and that atheism stems from emotional rather than intellectual roots.
24 Jun 2024
#88: Unresolved Mysteries of Resurrection
Completing the exploration of Rambam's 13 principles of faith, the discussion here centers on the mysteries of resurrection, touching on unresolved questions and varied rabbinic opinions. This episode examines differing interpretations of resurrection, including its relation to reincarnation, the fate of Gentiles, and speculative views on how the Jewish eschatological narrative might unfold.
20 May 2024
#87: The Timeline of Resurrection
The podcast delves into the complex topic of resurrection based on Jewish eschatological beliefs as outlined in the teachings of Maimonides and other sources. It explores the timeline from the Messianic era through the resurrection, touching upon fundamental disagreements and interpretations, with a focus on the gradual transition from the physical to the spiritual world.
20 Mar 2024
#86: The Nature of the Ultimate Resurrection + TORCH Campaign
The TORCH organization is currently running a fundraising campaign to support the TORAH 101 Podcast and other Jewish outreach and educational efforts. In a recent podcast episode, the concept of resurrection for eternal life in Olam Haba is discussed, likened to restoring humanity to the state of Adam and Eve before their sin. The episode delves into the distinctions pre and post-sin, and the criteria for resurrecting in a similar divine and eternal form. Listeners are encouraged to donate to TORCH to aid in their educational initiatives.
12 Mar 2024
#85: The Point of Resurrection + TORCH Fundraising Campaign
The TORCH organization is currently holding a fundraising campaign to support the TORAH 101 Podcast, emphasizing that all donations will be doubled during this matching campaign. In a podcast discussion, the concept of resurrection is explored regarding its goal and starting point, shedding light on the road to achieving a positive resurrection. Listeners are encouraged to contribute to TORCH's Jewish outreach and educational initiatives to help further their mission.
14 Feb 2024
#84: Rambam’s Epistle of Resurrection
In this episode, Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe discusses Maimonides' epistle on resurrection, explaining that there were questions and doubts about Maimonides' views during his lifetime. To address these concerns, Maimonides wrote a lengthy letter explaining his position. The epistle is helpful for gaining a deeper understanding of the subject of resurrection. The episode also includes a request for donations to support Jewish outreach and educational efforts.
29 Jan 2024
#83: The Nature of the Preliminary Resurrection
In this podcast episode, the discussion revolves around the nature of resurrection in Judaism. The episode explores the differences and similarities between the two types of resurrection mentioned in previous episodes, and also addresses the concept of righteous individuals being considered alive even after death. The contradictions between the Talmud and Rambam's principles are also examined. The episode offers a new perspective on understanding the initial resurrection in the times of the Messiah, but acknowledges that it requires active listening and multiple listens to fully grasp. Ultimately, the aim of the podcast series "Torah 101" is to provide educational and outreach efforts in Jewish studies.
22 Jan 2024
#82: Messianic Resurrection
In this podcast, the topic of discussion is the resurrection of the righteous in the Messianic times. It is believed that with the arrival of the Messiah, the righteous will be resurrected. There are two types of resurrection, and it is established in Jewish literature that all the righteous, both those buried within the land and outside of it, will return. The podcast explores the nature of these resurrections.
8 Jan 2024
#81: Supernatural Resurrection
In this podcast episode, the subject of resurrection and its debate between rabbis and Romans is explored. The argument made by the Romans is that resurrection violates the laws of physics and nature. However, the sages accept this argument and believe that resurrection is supernatural, coming from a higher realm of existence than nature. The podcast delves into the transcendental and supernatural nature of the resurrection of the dead.
25 Dec 2023
#80: Resurrection: An Introduction
This text emphasizes the Jewish belief in resurrection, rejecting the idea of "you only live once." Resurrection is seen as a central principle of Judaism, in which the dead will rise again and their bodies will be revived. The specific nature of resurrection is complex and not fully explained in the text. This discussion is part of a series on the 13 principles of Jewish faith, with previous topics covering God, Torah, and reward and punishment. The final element to be explored is the reunification of body and soul. The text ends with a donation request and information about subscribing to the author's newsletters and podcasts.
9 Oct 2023
#79: Messiah Panoply: Messiah Ben Joseph, Gog and Magog, Elijah, Resurrection, etc.
In this final installment of a study on the subject of Messiah, several tangential topics are explored. These include Messiah Ben Joseph, the apocalyptic war of Gog and Magog, the role of Elijah the Prophet in Messiah, the Resurrection of the dead, the restoration of the institutions of Semicha and the Sanhedrin, and the view of the State of Israel in the context of Messiah. The discussion offers a broad overview of these subjects, providing insight into their connection to the main topic.
4 Sep 2023
#78: Preparing for Messiah
This podcast discusses the anticipation and preparation for the arrival of the Messiah in Jewish tradition. It emphasizes the importance of being prepared for this event, as the consequences of being unprepared are grave. The podcast explores specific ways in which individuals can prepare for the Messiah, drawing from various Jewish sources. The podcast encourages listeners to participate in a survey and consider making a donation to support Jewish outreach and education efforts.
14 Aug 2023
#77: False and Unrealized Messiahs
This text discusses the concept of Messiah in Jewish thought, highlighting the longing for a time of peace and prosperity when the mission of the Jewish people is fulfilled. However, the text also warns of the numerous false and unrealized Messiahs throughout history, emphasizing the need to be aware of the dangers and devastation they can bring.
10 Jul 2023
#76: Characteristics of King Messiah
This podcast episode explores the characteristics and indicators of the King Messiah. The King Messiah is described as a spiritual leader who will have a greater stature than any other figure in Jewish history. The discussion aims to provide a better understanding of who the Messiah is and how to identify him. The podcast encourages listeners to consider the surprising and illuminating answers to these questions.
26 Jun 2023
#75: Indications of the Messianic Era
This podcast episode discusses the indications of the Messianic Era according to Jewish teachings. The world will undergo immense changes during this time, with values that differ greatly from the present. However, it is prohibited, dangerous, and futile to predict when the Messiah will come. While our Sages did offer some indicators of the Messianic era, it is important to avoid engaging in Messianic prognostication. The episode explores what the Sages conveyed about the time, era, and generation of the Messiah.
12 Jun 2023
#74: Messianic Prognostication
In this podcast, the speaker discusses the topic of Messianic prognostication, which refers to the speculation about when the Messiah will come. The speaker explains that while many people are curious about this, searching for evidence or proof in Scripture is ultimately prohibited, futile, and perilous. The podcast emphasizes the importance of focusing on one's personal spiritual growth and fulfilling one's individual responsibilities, rather than trying to predict or control the timing of the redemption.