Daily Podcasts Video Research
20 Mar
Parsha Flow: Parsha to Parsha Flow
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the importance of understanding Parsha flow and how the interconnection between different Parshas can elucidate complex elements within them. He explores the significance of contextual and thematic storytelling in both Torah and Nevi'im to enhance comprehension of Jewish texts.
13 Mar
Ronna Burger on Reading Esther as a Philosopher (Rebroadcast)
Ronna Burger provides a philosopher's lens to the Book of Esther, interpreting it through themes of chance, providence, and prudence, especially in the context of Jewish survival in the diaspora. She argues that Esther employs Machiavellian strategies, highlighting a complex interplay of human cunning with divine providence in determining history's course.
10 Mar
#92: World of Souls + 2025 TORCH Fundraiser
Yaakov Wolbe discusses the Sefer HaChinuch, examining the foundations of Jewish faith, including the concepts of the World to Come, the role of suffering, and the Oral Torah. He explains that the Sefer HaChinuch offers concise insights into these concepts, which are essential for understanding Judaism's theological underpinnings.
5 Mar
#91: The Purpose of Torah + Annual TORCH Fundraiser
Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe discusses the purpose of the Torah and its role in elevating humanity from a purely animalistic existence to one aligned with divine and spiritual principles. As part of a fundraising appeal, he emphasizes the importance of supporting TORCH's educational initiatives to help disseminate Torah teachings worldwide.
27 Feb
Parsha & Pshat
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the significance of the Parsha system as the organic division of the Tanakh, contrasting it with the chapter system created by English monks in the 1100s. The episode emphasizes how Rashi's use of the Parsha system influences the understanding of the text and explores the complexities of interpreting Torah portions.
24 Feb
#90: Testimony at Sinai
The episode explores the Sinai Revelation as an unparalleled historical event where God revealed Himself to the Israelites, creating a mass testimony that underpins Jewish faith. Rabbi Walby discusses the Sefer HaChinuch's introduction, emphasizing the importance of collective witness and tradition in establishing religious truth.
17 Feb
#89: Where Atheists Go Wrong
The episode explores the intersection of atheism, belief, and bias, focusing on the idea that heresy originates not in the mind but in the heart. Drawing on Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman's essay, it argues that belief in God is self-evident to those free from biases and that atheism stems from emotional rather than intellectual roots.
13 Feb
Gaza Wars Lessons, The Passuk Focus & Parsha Concept
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores lessons from the Gaza War and delves into the intricacies of interpreting verses (pesukim) and sections (parshiot) of the Tanach. He explains the importance of understanding context, structure, and traditional punctuation to deeply grasp the meaning and intention of the biblical text.
13 Feb
For Rabbi Aaron Rotenberg, environmentalism isn't adjacent to Judaism—it's a core tenet
Rabbi Aaron Rotenberg discusses how Jewish Renewal tradition integrates environmentalism as a central tenet of Judaism, emphasizing an Earth-based spiritual practice. Highlighting his journey from Conservative to Renewal Judaism, he illustrates how eco-spirituality and inclusive, innovative religious services can engage younger Jewish communities.
3 Jan
We Can't Let Down Our Guard
Addressing the resurgence of Islamism as a global threat requires a strategic focus, both internationally and domestically. This episode discusses recent terrorist incidents, the ineffectiveness of certain strategies against ISIS, and potential political challenges facing the Republican Party in the 2025 U.S. political landscape.
2 Jan
Terrorism, Islamism, and the Democrats
Faced with the aftermath of two terrorist incidents in New Orleans and Las Vegas, the panel examines how fragmented leadership and differing narratives on Islamic terrorism are affecting the United States' political landscape, especially with respect to the Democratic Party and President Biden. They also draw connections to past administration approaches to terrorism and discuss the impacts of Biden's possible corruption and cognitive decline on national security and political trust.
2 Jan
Rationalism, Pshat, & Mesorah
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores the nuances of Pshat (the simple explanation of biblical texts), its connections to rationalism, and the nature of Mesorah (tradition) in Jewish thought. He delves into historical interpretations and examines how understanding Midrash involves discerning when they convey absolute tradition versus interpretative insight.
5 Dec 2024
The Vilna Gaon’s Edits & Understanding Midrashim II
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein delves into the Vilna Gaon's editing methodology, distinguishing his profound understanding of Talmudic texts from modern textual criticism. The episode also explores how to interpret Midrashim, examining Rashi's potential Kabbalistic insights while emphasizing the significance of context in understanding rabbinic literature.
2 Dec 2024
A Guide to Jealousy
The episode explores the nature of jealousy through a discussion of a midrash on Moses' response to his impending death and Joshua succeeding him as leader. Stein Hain and Batnitzky examine the ways jealousy manifests, its roots, and potential methods to manage it by understanding human limitations and aspirations.
29 Nov 2024
Ari Lamm on the Biblical Meaning of Giving Thanks
Rabbi Ari Lamm discusses the profound and diverse expressions of gratitude in the Hebrew Bible, focusing on Leah and Cain as key biblical figures to understand the nuances of biblical gratitude. The conversation explores the covenantal nature of gratitude, contrasting the transactional understanding of gratitude with the deeper, faith-driven gratitude found in the scriptures.
28 Nov 2024
Exploring Gan Eden - Rabbi Chaim Eisen
Rabbi Chaim Eisen explores the concept of Gan Eden across multiple Jewish texts, highlighting the divergence between its descriptions in the Tanakh and interpretations found in Talmudic and Midrashic literature. He discusses whether these interpretations should be considered allegory or symbolism, contrasting perspectives from prominent medieval Jewish thinkers, including Maimonides and Rashi.
21 Nov 2024
Jacob, one of the most complex figures in the Hebrew Bible, is a multifaceted character marked by episodes of deception, love, and struggle. This discussion with Professor Yair Zakovitch delves into the nuances of Jacob's story, exploring his evolution from a trickster to a patriarch and the broader lessons his narrative presents.
18 Nov 2024
Gratitude and Sorrow
Elana Stein Hain and Christine Hayes explore how traditional Jewish texts guide us in balancing gratitude and sorrow, particularly from Chapter 9 of Tractate Brachot, which outlines different blessings for joyful and sorrowful times. They discuss how these teachings can help maintain a sense of stability and prevent despair in times of difficulty.
15 Nov 2024
Jon Levenson on Understanding the Binding of Isaac as the Bible Understands It (Rebroadcast)
John Levenson, a renowned scholar, delves into the Binding of Isaac, analyzing its complex themes and context within ancient Near Eastern and biblical traditions. By examining the text’s nuances, Levenson challenges modern interpretations and argues for an understanding rooted in the narrative's original context and religious symbolism.
9 Oct 2024
Gaza War Lessons II & Be’er Avrohom on Tehillim
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores the disproportionate global scrutiny of Israel's actions, suggesting an underlying moral imperative placed upon the Jewish people, and embarks on a deep dive into Rabbi Avrohom Vilner's unique commentary on Psalm 23. The discussion reflects how Torah learning continues to offer insights and comfort, drawing parallels between the acquisition of wisdom and spiritual resilience in the face of historical and personal challenges.
17 Sep 2024
Yussie Zakutinsky: Connecting to a Disconnected Jewish People [Teshuva IV 2/5]
Yussie Zakutinsky discusses the potential for unity and divinity within all Jews, regardless of religious practice or belief, particularly in light of the challenges posed after October 7. Drawing from Hasidic thought and Jewish mysticism, he advocates for a vision where all Jews can connect deeply with their heritage and each other, emphasizing the continuity of divinity within the Jewish people.
9 Sep 2024
Living with Dissonance
In this heartfelt episode, Elana Stein Hain explores the concept of dissonance using a midrash from Sifrei Bamidbar, reflecting on the tragic events surrounding the death of Hersh Goldberg-Polin. She engages with Israeli scholars Tal Becker, Tehila Friedman, and Shoshana Cohen to delve into the ways in which meaning can be derived from juxtaposed narratives amid despair and hope.
26 Aug 2024
Spiraling Upwards
Elana Stein Hain and Christine Hayes explore cycles of Jewish history and theology using Tisha B'Av kinot, Ecclesiastes, and Deuteronomy, questioning whether we can break free from repeating past mistakes. They discuss how understanding historical patterns can empower individuals to actively contribute to positive change, suggesting a blend of cyclical and linear perspectives.
16 Jul 2024
Chava Green: What Is Chabad’s Feminist Vision? [Mysticism II 2/4]
Chava Green explores the Lubavitcher Rebbe's unique vision of feminism through her dissertation on Chabad women, highlighting the influence of mystical teachings on their roles. Her journey from a secular background to a self-identified Hasidic feminist provides a nuanced perspective on the integration of modern sensibilities with traditional Jewish values.
14 Jul 2024
Special Update - Attempted Killings, Worlds Apart
Two attempted killings, one targeting Donald Trump in Pennsylvania and the other an Israeli airstrike in Gaza against Hamas leader Mohammed Deif, have significant geopolitical implications. These incidents underscore the ongoing tensions in both U.S. and Israeli politics, highlighting issues of security and democratic discourse.
24 Jun 2024
#88: Unresolved Mysteries of Resurrection
Completing the exploration of Rambam's 13 principles of faith, the discussion here centers on the mysteries of resurrection, touching on unresolved questions and varied rabbinic opinions. This episode examines differing interpretations of resurrection, including its relation to reincarnation, the fate of Gentiles, and speculative views on how the Jewish eschatological narrative might unfold.
6 Jun 2024
A Beautifully Jewish Shavuot: Ep. 415
This episode celebrates Shavuot by exploring diverse ways to connect with the Torah. Insights from Israeli journalist Sivan Rahav-Meir, academics, and artists reveal the deep personal and cultural significance of the Torah, inviting listeners to engage with it on a profound level.
3 Jun 2024
In the Face of Change
Evolving uncertainty surrounding major changes has become a central concern, reflecting both societal fear of change and discomfort with the status quo. Through Vayikra Rabbah 29:2, Elana Stein Hain and Christine Hayes delve into the biblical and rabbinic perspectives on fear, divine reassurance, and the dialectical relationship between human agency and divine providence.
30 May 2024
Unorthodox Presents Sivan Says
Sivan Rahav-Meir, an Israeli journalist and Torah scholar, provides insights into Parshat Bechukotai, exploring both the blessings and curses presented and elaborating on the idea that apathy towards our connection with God might be the greatest sin. She emphasizes that recognizing God's presence in all aspects of life, even amidst adversity, can transform trials into blessings and guide us towards purposeful living.
30 May 2024
Unorthodox Presents Sivan Says
Sivan Rahav-Meir delves into Parashat Bechukotai, exploring its themes of blessings and curses while emphasizing the importance of maintaining a strong connection to God. She argues that indifference is the greatest spiritual threat, underscoring that engagement and faith bring meaning and blessings into one's life.
22 May 2024
Torah Insights: From the Battlefield in Gaza
Joey Faur reflects on his IDF reserve duty during the October 7th operation, sharing insights on Jewish unity and faith amidst conflict. He emphasizes the significance of community support and religious practices even in challenging circumstances.
6 May 2024
From Where I Sit
Elana Stein Hain and Yonah Hain discuss a Talmudic story from Nedarim 66b, examining miscommunications versus conflicting viewpoints in relationships. The episode explores the nuances of understanding intent and perspective, drawing parallels to current debates on speech and cultural misunderstandings.
19 Apr 2024
Meir Soloveichik on the Politics of the Haggadah
Rabbi Meir Soloveichik presents the Haggadah as a profound work of Jewish political thought, exploring themes of freedom, oppression, and the intertwining of theology and politics. His lecture contrasts historical and modern interpretations of the Exodus story, emphasizing the significance of monotheism and the universal moral truths provided by the Haggadah.
12 Apr 2024
4/13/24 – Shiur 464 – Pesach – Great Divrei Torah for your Seder and beyond. Plus, lessons for today from Lavan’s attempt to destroy K’lal Yisroel
In this episode of "Halacha Headlines," various rabbis and educators offer insights on Pesach practices, focusing on the significance of tradition and memory at the Seder, and exploring the enduring lessons from biblical narratives such as Lavan's attempt to destroy Israel. The discussion includes reflections on personal Pesach experiences, the importance of community, and interpretations of the Seder's symbolic acts.
9 Apr 2024
Q & A (April 2024) - Rabbi Joseph Dweck
Rabbi Joseph Dweck engages in a comprehensive Q&A, addressing diverse topics such as academic biblical criticism, karet, and the role of Hashem in daily life. He emphasizes the importance of approaching Jewish study methodically, valuing primary texts, and cultivating a conscious relationship with God.
25 Mar 2024
The No-Congressional-Body Problem
The episode dives into the geopolitical fallout of a recent terrorist attack in Russia, attributing its origins to ISIS and discussing Vladimir Putin's response involving Ukraine. The conversation also explores the chaotic dynamics within the U.S. House of Representatives, as leadership struggles to pass significant legislation amid infighting within the Republican Party.
25 Mar 2024
Living with Contradiction
Leora Batnitzky and Elana Stein Hain explore the intricate contradictions in Jewish life, drawing upon the wisdom literature of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) and rabbinic commentaries. They discuss how ancient texts provide insight into navigating the dissonance of modern Jewish experiences, emphasizing finding meaning and joy amidst uncertainty.
20 Mar 2024
#86: The Nature of the Ultimate Resurrection + TORCH Campaign
The TORCH organization is currently running a fundraising campaign to support the TORAH 101 Podcast and other Jewish outreach and educational efforts. In a recent podcast episode, the concept of resurrection for eternal life in Olam Haba is discussed, likened to restoring humanity to the state of Adam and Eve before their sin. The episode delves into the distinctions pre and post-sin, and the criteria for resurrecting in a similar divine and eternal form. Listeners are encouraged to donate to TORCH to aid in their educational initiatives.
6 Mar 2024
Electricity on Yom Tob - Rabbi Ilan Acoca
Rabbi Ilan Acoca discusses the use of electricity on Yom Tov. The content mentions the website of The Habura which is an online Bet Midrash focusing on Torah teachings and insights, supported by various organizations including the S&P Sephardi Community of the UK and the Montefiore Endowment. The text emphasizes understanding God through the Torah's perspective, indicating a platform for international students interested in Jewish learning.
22 Feb 2024
#179 - The Vilna Gaon’s Theory of Incongruent Actions
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein delves into the Vilna Gaon’s theory of incongruent actions, exploring the complexities of commitment to Torah and the deeper implications of political compromise and societal expectations. He also examines the historical cases of Nathan of Gaza and the accusations against Chasidim, drawing parallels between misinterpretations and historical influences on Jewish thought.

Top Topics in Jewish Podcasts

last 7 days

  1. Hamas
  2. Netanyahu
  3. Jewish Identity
  4. Zionism
  5. Jewish Community
  6. Security
  7. Trump Administration
  8. Holocaust Survivors
  9. Hostages
  10. Ideological Conformity

Editors' Note

Welcome to JL;DR!
by Matt Sienkiewicz

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