Tag: Ibrahim Eid Dalalsha

The episode discussed by Israel Policy Forum's experts focuses on the current situation in the West Bank during the Gaza war, concerns ahead of Ramadan, diplomacy around Gaza and the potential success of the U.S.-led grand bargain, Palestinian Authority reform, and the post-conflict scenario in Gaza.
In this podcast episode, Nimrod Novik and Ibrahim Eid Dalalsha discuss the recent escalation of violence between Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank, and the chances for de-escalation.
Amidst rising tensions in the West Bank, experts Nimrod Novik and Ibrahim Eid Dalalsha discuss the recent violence between Israelis and Palestinians with host Neri Zilber.
In this episode, Neri Zilber hosts Nimrod Novik and Ibrahim Eid Dalalsha to discuss President Biden's upcoming visit to Israel and the West Bank, as well as the strained relations between the U.S., Israel, and the Palestinian Authority (PA).
In this article, the authors propose a realistic reset of U.S. foreign policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict under the Biden administration.