
The text discusses the dichotomy between two forms of Torah Judaism throughout Jewish history, highlighting the shift from a Judaism for a sovereign nation to one for a scattered minority.
An exploration of the effectiveness of the long-standing security barrier around the West Bank in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The text delves into the competing philosophies guiding Israel's response to the Hamas-led October 7th attacks, with one side emphasizing Israel's responsibility for strategic miscalculations and the need to address the situation, while the other calls for urgent action and focuses on dealing with the threat posed by Hamas and Iran.
The article discusses the need to reclaim Zionism for the center ground amid controversies in the Jewish community.
At a rally for Rep. Jamaal Bowman in the Bronx with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, criticism of Israel and AIPAC was prominent, with calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, objections to AIPAC's support for Bowmans opponent, and disagreements over Israels actions in the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Future of Jewish, a publication, aims to provide in-depth understanding and knowledge about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.
Israel is facing significant challenges as ceasefire talks continue and protests erupt, with questions surrounding the willingness of Hamas to agree to a ceasefire deal with Israel, the sustainability of Israel's war effort against Hamas, the potential for conflict with Hezbollah in the north, the domestic religious schisms threatening the government's stability, and the possibility of strained relations between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Joe Biden.
The essay discusses the intersection of pro-Palestinian activism with communist and terrorist ideologies on a university campus during a Jewish event.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently accused the Biden administration of withholding weapons shipments to Israel, a claim the administration denied being aware of.
Despite a coercive Chief Rabbinate in Israel, a trend is emerging where some secular Israelis are voluntarily adopting religious customs such as wearing tzitzit, baking challah, or lighting Shabbat candles in response to the war in Gaza.
Armenia's decision to recognize Palestine, becoming the 145th country to do so, has sparked a diplomatic rift with Israel due to the complex history between the two nations.
This text is a quiz containing questions about Jewish topics such as Rashi's birthplace, the symbol of the tribe of Benjamin, the origins of the Israeli national anthem "Hatikvah," the first president of Israel, the first city conquered by the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, and the blessing for eating fish.
The text discusses the dynamics of strength and weakness in the Middle East, particularly in relation to Israel and Hezbollah.
Shany Granot-Lubaton and her husband Omer Lubaton-Granot moved to New York City to escape Israeli politics, but seeing her mother protest in Tel Aviv prompted them to start a protest movement in NYC.
While acknowledging Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's intentions for Israel's welfare, there are growing concerns about his decision-making, including recent conflicts with the Biden Administration over weapons shipments and doubts about completely eradicating Hamas.
Neri Zilber hosts Yair Zivan, chief foreign policy advisor to Yair Lapid, to discuss the significance of centrism as a political movement, its global relevance, their experience in the Bennett-Lapid government, Israeli politics amid the Gaza conflict, and when elections might occur in Israel.
In this discussion by Linda Gradstein, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron, they cover the escalating tensions with Hezbollah in the north, raising concerns about possible missile attacks on Tel Aviv and the displacement of nearly 100,000 residents near the Lebanese border.
A recent Fox poll and various data indicate that Joe Biden's focus on portraying Trump as a convicted felon may be gaining traction.
The text discusses the contentious relationship between former U.S. President Barack Obama and Israel, highlighting key issues that caused tension.
Rabbi Shlomo Sobol, a prominent figure in the Jewish community, addresses various challenges faced by congregants during wartime, including soldiers' dilemmas about weddings, honesty with parents, and questions of faith.
Miriam Neumark Shalev, head of the Tziporit military bases chevra kadisha unit for women, discusses the work of the IDF chevra kadishas womens unit in preparing fallen female soldiers for Jewish burial, especially in the wake of the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack.
Amidst the Israel-Gaza conflict, a surge in miluimot – women with children whose husbands are serving in the IDF as reservists – has been noted, with increased challenges due to longer, scarier wars where communication is often limited.
Rabbi Doron Perez's book "The Jewish State: From Opposition to Opportunity" explores the rise of anti-Zionism and offers solutions for Israel to serve as a positive influence globally while promoting Jewish unity.
David Olivestone, a resident of Jerusalem, reflects on life in Israel during a period of war, highlighting the delicate balance between maintaining normalcy and being surrounded by reminders of conflict.
A group of rabbis, including Rebecca Alpert, met with the UN Secretary General to support the call for a ceasefire in Gaza and criticized Israel's actions.

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